Season 2 - Spoiler

Moderator: manila


Beitrag von Evangelion »

Love_gilmore hat geschrieben:Bob war auf dem Foto also muss er doch auch Fähigkeiten haben, oder? Mohinder muss bei ihn vorsictig sein.
Man hat doch gesehen was Bob für ne Fähigkeit hat, oder? Hat er nicht nen normalen Löffel in nen Goldlöffel verwandelt?
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Beitrag von Annika »

Love_gilmore hat geschrieben:Die Hero-Gene liegt ja in den Familien. Da Simone's Vater welche hat, frage ich mich wieso sie nicht auch welche gehabt hat.
Ich denke es ist nicht zwingend notwendig, dass gleich alle aus der Familie Kräfte haben. Mohinder hat ja auch keine und Chandra hatte auch keine, aber - ah Name entfallen - Mohinders Schwester schien ja Kräfte zu haben.

So kann ich mir auch vorstellen, dass Monicas Bruder keine Kräfte hat. Wenn beide Eltern Kräfte haben ist die wahrscheinlichkeit wohl größer (Siehe Claire/Nathan/Claires Mutter oder Micah/Niki/DL)

EDIT: Was neues zu Elle:
Kristen Bell, who will join the cast of NBC's Heroes in the Oct. 22 episode, told reporters that her character, Elle, is duplicitous, manipulative and just "a little off." Speaking in a conference call with reporters, Bell declined to divulge Elle's super power, but hinted that the character arrives with a link to several others, most notably Peter Petrelli, whom she encounters in Ireland. [...] As for Elle's interactions with the other characters, Bell said, "I have a lot of information about Peter's past." [Tim] Kring added: "We introduce the character, and she is looking for Peter Petrelli. So I think one can assume that she finds him." Asked if she could reveal anything more about Elle's power or the character's relationships with the show's familiar faces, Bell replied, "I can't reveal her secret power. You'll have to watch next Monday. But it's a very cool power. She has ties to H.R.G. and Claire, and I think there's going to be a very interesting dynamic, I think, between her and Claire as far as what is and what is not. I think there's going to be a deeper relationship there than people are expecting. Or they're going to see maybe some parallels. She also has ties, a little bit, to Suresh." Source: Sci Fi Wire
Hauptsache sie ist keine verlorene Schwester von Claire :roll: Aber davon gehe ich jetzt mal nicht aus...
Beiträge: 23573
Registriert: 13.11.2004, 15:32
Geschlecht: weiblich
Wohnort: Bonn

Beitrag von philomina »

Kennt ihr die Clips schon? Hab sie hier im Thread nicht gefunden, und sie sind SO SCHÖN :D
Zach und der Hund
Zach und Kristen
David und die Grrrls
David überhaupt
Adrian und Milo

hach 8-)

Behind the Scenes Photoshoot S2

Behind the Scenes Photoshoot S2 Part2
Globaler Moderator
Beiträge: 42069
Registriert: 05.01.2001, 15:23
Geschlecht: weiblich
Wohnort: Herne

Beitrag von Annika »

philomina hat geschrieben:Kennt ihr die Clips schon? Hab sie hier im Thread nicht gefunden, und sie sind SO SCHÖN :D
Macht alle einfach noch mal tausendmal sympathischer und ich hab Kirsten auf jeden Fall nach der ganzen VM-Sache wieder ins Herz geschlossen ;) Sie und Zachery sind aber auch echt witzig zusammen

Beitrag von Faith »

Annika hat geschrieben:Mohinder hat ja auch keine und Chandra hatte auch keine, aber - ah Name entfallen - Mohinders Schwester schien ja Kräfte zu haben.
Naja, dass Mohinder keine Kraft hat, würde ich so nicht sagen. Sein Blut ist immerhin ein Heilmittel.

Kristen muss für mich eindeutig noch von ihrem Veronica Mars Trip weg. Dann wäre sie für mich vielleicht ... unter Umständen ... okay, nein wahrscheinlich nicht ... erträglicher. ^_^ Vor allem bei der Bar-Szene dachte ich die ganze Zeit, ich wär im falschen Film und auch Kristen muss dieses Gefühl gehabt haben, denn man hatte das Gefühl, dass die erwartet, dass ihre VO's eingespielt werden. :roll:
Beiträge: 22101
Registriert: 03.04.2004, 21:36
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von manila »

philomina hat geschrieben:Kennt ihr die Clips schon? Hab sie hier im Thread nicht gefunden, und sie sind SO SCHÖN :D
Hach, ich weiß, warum ich diesen Cast so abgöttisch liebe... :D
"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

Beitrag von Faith »

Ask Ausiello
Question: Now that the writers are striking, we may be on limited scoop time. Doesn't that make you want to give us some Heroes scoop? — Sue
Ausiello: Actually, it makes me want to double my Prozac dosage. But giving you Heroes scoop comes in a very close second — and the scoop I'm about to give you is good. I'm hearing from multiple very reliable sources that when (and if) Heroes kicks off the second half of its season, it'll look very different from what was initially planned. Let's just say the complaints from fans and critics about the overabundance of new characters and weak overarching story have not fallen on deaf ears, and that changes are being made to return the show to its winning Season 1 formula. In related news, this would be even more exciting if there wasn't a friggin' strike going on!

Question: As a loyal Aushole and dedicated Heroes fan, I'm obligated to turn to you in my need for scoop! Got any? — Meg
Ausiello: Did you see my little item about the strike-induced alternate ending the show is preparing for next month's "Generations" capper? Then it's scoop to you!

Beitrag von eve_susan »

Passt zwar nicht wirklich hier rein aber im Thema zu Adrians Videos wäre es eindeutig zu spoilerlastig gewesen.

Habt ihr euch die Kommentare zum Channel von Adrian auf youtube schon einmal durchgelesen?
Er gibt hier ein paar Infos zur nächsten Folge:
Auf die Frage, ob er etwas zur Folge sagen kann antwortet er:
Can't give any spoilers here, but the next episode is a real humzinger. Mio and I spent a great deal of time suspended thirty feet over the cement floor of Stage Seven at the studio filming a sequence that should knock your socks off. It literally knocked one of my SHOES off, if that's any indication.
Der nächste Beitrag von ihm:
Did I type Mio?
Und dann noch einer!
Oh, Mann ich liebe diesen Kerl! :D

Edit: Wer sich da mal druchliest (so wie ich jetzt) findet wirklich viele Posts von ihm. ;)
Beiträge: 23573
Registriert: 13.11.2004, 15:32
Geschlecht: weiblich
Wohnort: Bonn

Beitrag von philomina »

Jau, und dann nochmal hier die Frage, wo liest du das? ;)

Beitrag von eve_susan »

philomina hat geschrieben:Jau, und dann nochmal hier die Frage, wo liest du das? ;)
Ich geb dir mal den Link: Hier und dann immer da gucken, wo der weit aufgerissene Mund von David Anders ist, da hat Adrian dann geschrieben.
Hab mich jetzt durchgelesen, bestimmt insgesamt an die 10-15 Mal. ;)

Beitrag von simara »

Habt ihr auf der offiziellen NBC-Heroes Hompage schon diese exclusiven TV Guide covers gesehen?
Ich finde, sie geben wieder unglaublich viel Raum für Spekulationen: ... ov1_sm.jpg ... ov2_sm.jpg ... ov3_sm.jpg ... ov4_sm.jpg

Das Hiro früher oder später auf Kensei /Adam trifft konnte man vorhersehen.
Aber warum bitte, steht Elle so nah bei HRG? Bitte keine lang verschollene Tochter, die dann von der Company aufgezogen wurde.
Interresant finde ich auch das mit Niki: Blutige Hände? Hat sie (bzw Jessica) am Ende wirklich D.L. umgebracht?
Und was haben Monica und Micah mit Sylar zu tun?
Ich bin ja sehr gespannt.

editiert von ladybird: Link repariert
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

simara hat geschrieben:Aber warum bitte, steht Elle so nah bei HRG? Bitte keine lang verschollene Tochter, die dann von der Company aufgezogen wurde.
Ich würde eher darauf tippen, dass Elle ihn umbringen wird und deshalb so nah bei ihm steht. :(
If you work hard, good things will happen.

Beitrag von Evangelion »

ladybird hat geschrieben:
simara hat geschrieben:Aber warum bitte, steht Elle so nah bei HRG? Bitte keine lang verschollene Tochter, die dann von der Company aufgezogen wurde.
Ich würde eher darauf tippen, dass Elle ihn umbringen wird und deshalb so nah bei ihm steht. :(
Hmm, also nach dem Bild von Issac zu urteilen stirbt HRG durch eine Schusswaffe und Elle würde ihn wohl eher mit Hilfe ihrer Fähigkeit brutzeln. Von daher würde ich das nicht unbedingt sagen.
Beiträge: 22101
Registriert: 03.04.2004, 21:36
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von manila »

Sorry, dass das hier völlig OT ist, aber ich muss das posten :D


"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

Beitrag von eve_susan »

manila hat geschrieben:Sorry, dass das hier völlig OT ist, aber ich muss das posten :D

Sieht ja grauslig aus. Die Augenbrauen und die Frisur! ^_^

Beitrag von Elsa »

Sieht halt aus wie Spock, ne? ;);)
Beiträge: 22101
Registriert: 03.04.2004, 21:36
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von manila »

Elsa hat geschrieben:Sieht halt aus wie Spock, ne? ;);)
Ne, aber im Ernst - man muss auf dem Bild fast zwei Mal hinschauen, damit man ihn nicht mit Leonard Nimoy in seinen Vulkaniertagen verwechselt!
"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

TVGuide hat ein Interview mit Hayden und Kristen gemacht.
Preview: Heroes' Blonde Babes Have an Unconventional Meet-and-Greet

This is our kinda hostage crisis! Heroes went on location to the beach at San Pedro, California, to shoot a scene (airing tonight, 9 pm/ET, on NBC) in which Company men Mohinder (Sendhil Ramamurthy) and Bob (Stephen Tobolosky) plan to swap Claire (Hayden Panettiere) for Bob’s daughter Elle (Kristen Bell), who is being held by Claire’s pop HRG. (Jack Coleman). Got that? The chick exchange will lead to a deadly climax — one prophesied in an Isaac Mendez painting — but right now Panettiere and Bell just wanna have fun. We sat down with these two real-life pals for a seaside chitchat. This is the first time Claire and Elle are in a scene together — the meeting of the hot blonde babes!
Kristen Bell: Yes, it’s the highly anticipated standoff millions are waiting to see! I dressed for the occasion.
Hayden Panettiere: And I — what else is new? — am in my cheerleading outfit. It really disappointed me because Kristen’s in heels and a cool designer outfit. They dress you nice at the Company.
Bell: This is what I wear to the office to kill people. But I wish I was in the cheerleader outfit.
Panettiere: Would they notice if we swapped? It could be like Parent Trap! But Kristen’s not too coordinated. She keeps zapping people and falling over.
Bell: That’s because they’ve got me zapping people in high heels! I look like I’m in a comedy sketch!
Panettiere: Save it, honey. Last season, I had to do a dive out of a window and then do a tuck 'n’ roll — all in 4-inch-heels, OK? It was easy. Divas, please! You’re both wonderful. Now, tell us about the scene.
Panettiere: Elle knows all about Claire, but Claire has no idea who Elle is. All she knows is that HRG is holding Elle hostage for a reason and that Elle is giving her an evil look — so I give her one right back. I’m looking her up and down like “Who are you, bitch?” And she’s like, “You don’t know me but I know you, bitch!”
Bell: The whole idea is that Elle and Claire are two sides of the same coin.
Panettiere: Yeah, HRG didn’t turn Claire into the Company because he knew they’d experiment on her. He knew what they’d turn her into. But Elle’s dad didn’t protect her that way.
Bell: Bodies are not able to take that much electricity and pain, and so Elle’s psychologically a little off her rocker.
Panettiere: We’re like the yin…
Bell: … and the yang.
Panettiere: And now Elle is Claire gone bad.… We don’t technically meet in this scene since we don’t have lines. I do my nasty glare and, trust me, it didn’t require much acting.
Bell: That’s OK. There’s a scene later where I get to zap the hell out of her with my lightning bolts.
Panettiere: [Rolling her eyes] Puh-leeze. She misses me and hits West [Nick D’Agosto].
Bell: I thought I hit you.
Panettiere: No, you hit him. Then he passes out on top of me and crushes me. What a gentleman.
Bell: Men! [Both squeal with laughter] Obviously, Miss Kristen Bell didn’t read the script.
Sendhil Ramamurthy: [Strolling by and overhearing] She doesn’t bother worrying about which of us she electrocutes. She doesn’t care. That’s the real Kristen Bell. Put that in your interview! [He laughs and wanders off]
Panettiere: Our characters are going to have a very interesting relationship. We relate to each other; we get each other.
Bell: Yeah, we’re definitely connected. Our dynamic will change over the course of the next few episodes. Just wait. You’ll find out that Elle holds the key to Claire’s future. I have a past with Peter and a past with Claire’s dad and a future with Claire.
Panettiere: No, you have a past with my dad and a present with Peter.
Bell: No, I have a future with Peter… no wait... [Exasperated]. I do need to read the script. Forget the future, let’s discuss the past. You both knew each other as young actors in New York, right?
Panettiere: She used to change my diapers.
Bell: I did not change Hayden’s diapers!
Panettiere: We met when I was 8.
Bell: And I was… [Hesitates]… well, I don’t want to say how old I was. [Laughs] We were both with the same agency. Hayden doesn’t remember this but I happened to be in the office the day she booked Remember the Titans and she came in with her mom to celebrate. I was there having a meeting and all the agents were saying, ‘We knew it, Hayden! We knew you’d get the movie!” She had these long beautiful blonde curls.
Panettiere: [Grimacing] I know, I know…. Don’t rub it in.
Bell: She was adorable.
Panettiere: And I went to see Kristen on Broadway in Tom Sawyer. I remember that very clearly.
Bell: Did you want to grow up to be me? Do you still want to?
[Panettiere pretends she didn’t hear the question] No, the truth is, Hayden was a very big deal already back then. She was also on Guiding Light at that point. I was just doing Broadway Schmroadway. [To Bell] Did you ever want to get on a soap opera?
Bell: No. Musical theater was my be-all-end-all. That was my ultimate dream.
Panettiere: And then her dream was crushed — now she’s only on Heroes.
Bell: Maybe Elle could sing.
Panettiere: I have always said there should be a musical episode: There is a lot of singing on the set.
Bell: Everybody would try to outdo each other! It would be a total catfight. Jack Coleman sings all day long. Sendhil sings. One day in the car, Masi Oka [Hiro], Zach Quinto [Sylar] and I decided to start a band. It could be like the Heroes all put on a talent show! You know, Hayden and I have been saying for a long time that we wanted to work together, so it’s kinda fun that we now get to be rough and tough because we’re not friends.
Panettiere: Not friends on the show, she means. We’re such good friends in real life that we carpooled to the set today.
Bell: I drove and we got so lost we wound up in a Lowe’s parking lot somewhere.
Panettiere: Yeah, and she wanted to drop me off there.
Bell: I said, “OK, Hayden, you’re here, get out!”
Panettiere: I was like, “Kristen, we’re supposed to be shooting at San Pedro beach today, not Santa Monica beach!”
Bell: I had us in the wrong place. We had like 10 minutes to get to the set and we were still 45 minutes away.
Panettiere: Now it turns out she’s working here till sundown and I’m out after just a couple more shots. So I’m stuck here for hours with no way to get home. I didn’t even bring a book. This wasn’t the best plan.
Bell: I’m sure everyone would love to think I sabotaged her, but it ain’t the truth. But we do enjoy sabotaging each other on screen, if we can keep a straight face.
Panettiere: Our scene today was so hard. I was trying not to laugh. At least Kristen gets to have a smirk on her face. But I have to restrain myself. Unlike what you did on Live with Regis and Kelly a while back.
Bell: Whaaat? What did you do?
Panettiere: I said the F-word. And it was all over the Internet. I was outside the studio and the paparazzi were pushing this little kid to get to me.
Bell: I would have straight-up knocked somebody out if they were pushing a kid.
Panettiere: I just blurted it out, it wasn’t even intentional.
Bell: [Riveted] Ooh, what did you say… like “WTF”?
Panettiere: I think so, very quickly, and somebody managed to catch it. But you came off like a true superhero — protecting a little kid in jeopardy!
Panettiere: Honestly, did they need to report about that? There’s nothing else going on in the world except an 18-year-old — a legal adult — saying the F-word?
Bell: Hayden has the most level head of any 18-year-old I’ve ever met. She’s handling her fame with real grace, isn’t she? I couldn’t do what she does.
Panettiere: Oh, thanks. I had you as a role model. [She reaches over and caresses Bell’s face tenderly and they laugh like crazy] Kristen, how long are you signed with Heroes?
Panettiere: [Perking up] Yeah, how long?
Bell: Hayden just wants to know because she likes to cradle my face.
Panettiere: That’s an inside a joke. About…?
Panettiere: About, uh, something interesting….
Bell: We can’t say. [They are called to return to the set]
Panettiere: Did we actually do an interview here?
Bell: It was more like a non-interview. I feel like we should have been telling information about the show as opposed to revealing that we cradle each other’s faces.
Panettiere: I’ll leave you with this. I’d like to keep Kristen around. I enjoy her. I have fun with her. She’s talented. She’s wonderful. I’m just never going to carpool with her again!

If you work hard, good things will happen.
Globaler Moderator
Beiträge: 42069
Registriert: 05.01.2001, 15:23
Geschlecht: weiblich
Wohnort: Herne

Beitrag von Annika »

#2.11 Powerless
Deep below Primatech Paper in Odessa, TX, Peter's reunion with Nathan turns violent when the brothers, Matt and Hiro all clash thanks to Adam and his pursuit of the deadly Shanti Virus. After watching his heroic cousin captured by a street gang, Micah turns to the one person who can help him save Monica -- his mom. Meanwhile, Maya tragically learns how much of a monster Sylar really is during his kidnapping of Molly and Suresh. Meanwhile, Elle decides to play hero to get back into her father's good graces. Jack Coleman, James Kyson Lee and Hayden Panettiere also star. Source: NBC

Beitrag von Faith »

Obviously, Miss Kristen Bell didn’t read the script.
^_^ Ich lach mich hier gerade schlapp. Das wär ja nichts Neues. *gg*

Die nächsten Folgen versprechen auf jeden Fall interessant zu werden.

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