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Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 22.11.2012, 09:20
von ChrissiR
Ja, hört sich wieder echt spannend an und es hat sich da eine wirklich interessante Gruppe zusammengefunden. Eigentlich können sie sich ja alle nicht leiden...

Ich hoffe nur, dass das mit dem Brechen des Fluchs dann auch wie geplant funktioniert... Ich sehe da schon wieder Hindernisse auf Snow und Charming zukommen
Ist dann sichergestellt, dass der Wahren Liebe Kuss den Fluch immer brechen kann???

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 22.11.2012, 09:27
von Lavendelblüte
Bisher hat es ja immer mit dem Kuss geklappt...sogar bei RUmpel! Außer bei Frederick...aber das war ja eine Art anderer Fluch... hm..

Die übernächste Folge wird sicher auch spannend...da kommen Emma und Snow ja wahrscheeeinlich wieder zurück...ich vermute ja..dass Cora und Hook in Gestelt von Emma und MM nach Storybrooke kommen...aaaber wer weiß... viellcht sind es ja doch die "echten" nach Folge 9 ist Winterpause..oder?!

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 22.11.2012, 09:32
von ChrissiR
Oh, Cora und Hook als Snow und Emma in Storybrook - das ist ja auch eine interessante Idee!

Das wär dann auch eine Erklärung, dass es mit dem Kuss nicht klappen würde und alle Zuschauer verrückt werden würden... ;)

Winterpause? Ach neee.... Ich vermisse doch jetzt schon meine wöchentliche Dosis Once :(

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 22.11.2012, 09:55
von Lavendelblüte
Oha mal wieder ein neuer Gastdarsteller:
Neuer Charakter

3 neue sneak peeks: ... eak-peeks/

Es wird ja immer interessanter! Cora erkennt, dass Hook Emma gewählt hat, Cora entführt Aurora oder so ähnlich... Hinweis das Cora die QoH ist " i've been trough to many worlds" Cora scheint Snow ziemlich gut zu kennen...dass sie weiß, dass sie niemandem zurücklassen wird...

Und nochmal was von Josh: ( Der Punkt bezüglich der Bromance zwischen Charming und Gold gefällt mir!)

Last we left Storybrooke, Henry (Jared Gilmore) was having nightmares in which he found himself in a fire-filled room. Out in the now desolate fairytale land, Aurora (Sarah Bolger) was having the same dreams. Finally, they spotted each other, and Henry told her not to be afraid. But his words were not really all that reassuring, considering he still awoke with a very real burn on his arm. Unlike regular dream worlds, the things encountered in this one could hurt you—could possibly even kill you—so Regina (Lana Parrilla) went to Gold (Robert Carlyle) for help. The result may not prove to be enough, though, as in the next all-new episode “Into the Deep,” Regina and Gold must put David’s (Josh Dallas) life in jeopardy in an attempt to protect Henry from further danger and put him in contact with Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) across the lands.

“It’s a huge danger. He could go in and never come back,” Dallas stressed when LA TV Insider Examiner visited the Vancouver set of Once Upon A Time* earlier this month.

“But to talk about true love! He just wanted to see her just one more time, whether that meant him staying in there forever or getting out. He knew he’d have that connection so it’s a huge sacrifice. Of course, he’s not thinking of it that way—he’s not thinking of it as a sacrifice—he’s just thinking of ‘I want to see my wife’.”

Though Henry has been acting as a sort-of “runner” between Storybrooke and the fairytale land, communicating what’s been going on in each back and forth, David, Regina, and Gold work together and come to the agreement that David should go into the world instead. This requires “putting him under,” which is where the aforementioned danger comes in.

“He’ll get them back somehow. That’s the idea, and he’s so confident; he’s so confident about the fact that she’s in there, and he’ll find a way. And she’s so competent and so smart, and he knows that, and so he’s willing to just get in there and see her one more time,” Dallas said.

“He’s definitely not a reluctant leader; he’s not a reluctant hero. That’s just the man he is; he has it inside of him, and he’s a natural leader. I don’t think he’ll ever force it on people—he asks; he says ‘I will be your leader for as long as you want me to. Help me save my family, and I will help get your family back.’ So I think he’s never going to be overbearing about it, but it’s just where he naturally falls.”

Of course, there is additional danger in the fact that Cora (Barbara Hershey) is still roaming around with his wife in fairytale land, and there is really nothing David can do about that. She really is the villain of the moment, with David finding a lot of common ground with both Regina and Gold.

As Dallas put it, David and Gold’s relationship of late has turned into “mutual understanding and a mutual respect. That started to happen for David back in the finale of season one when they had the swordfight in the forest in fairytale land, and David said ‘Did you love someone once?’ And [Rumple] goes ‘Yeah, and she died.’ And in that moment, he’s sort of connected to him, and he gets it; he sees he’s human and that he does have a soul and he does have a heart—or he did anyway. And then Gold asks for dating advice, you know, so I think this kind of bromance between them is cool, and I hope we explore that a lot more.”

When it comes to Cora, all Dallas would shake his head and say was that she is a “dangerous, dangerous character.”

“This is a moment for David to have a little bit of redemption and to be able to fix the wrongs he did in season one,” Dallas considered.

“He’s thrown obstacles, but it’s not in Charming’s—David’s—nature to be defeated, so he’s always going to push forward…No one can go up against Cora alone. That’s always what the best leaders do: they always hire the best people.”

And in this case, David is relying on a little bit of help from some who have worked against him in the past, but it’s a whole new challenge now.

“Charming, Gold, Snow, Emma-- these are the characters that are the basis of the whole thing, so they’ve either got to stick together or they’re all f***ed,” he laughed.

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 22.11.2012, 20:56
von Maret
Lavendelblüte hat geschrieben:Die übernächste Folge wird sicher auch spannend...da kommen Emma und Snow ja wahrscheeeinlich wieder zurück...ich vermute ja..dass Cora und Hook in Gestelt von Emma und MM nach Storybrooke kommen...aaaber wer weiß...
Auf die Idee bin ich noch gar nicht gekommen, kann es mir aber eher nicht vorstellen. Ich denke, dass Cora und Hook es irgendwie schaffen, unbemerkt von den anderen nach Stroybrooke zu kommen, so dass sich alle fälschlicherweise in Sicherheit wähnen.

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 23.11.2012, 20:01
von Lavendelblüte
Episode 2.10 and 2.11 titles
(laut Emilies Twitter Posts ist Episode 11 Belle centric. Die Setpics zu der Episode sind hier auch schon irgendwo im Spoilerbereich per Link gepostet)

There is more to come for Emma in season two. Jennifer Morrison, the actress behind the role, revealed the following to Wetpaint Entertainment:

"We’re definitely struggling to get back from Fairytale Land obviously. I don’t want to be separated from Henry obviously and so we are up against all sorts of new villains and new adventures in a strange land and dealing with Captain Hook and dealing with Cora and also sort of seeing the mother/daughter relationship develop a little bit more between Mary Margaret and Emma and you know really just seeing Emma’s desperation to get back to her son."

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 23.11.2012, 23:17
von Maret
"The Cricket Game" klingt nach einer Archie-Episode. Oder einer Wunderland-Folge. Oder beides. :D

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 24.11.2012, 03:49
von Estrella*
Beides wäre schön.
Würde mich wirklich sehr auf eine Wunderland Episode freuen, da noch so vielles aus dieser Welt zu machen ist und auch noch viele Fragen offen sind.
Allerdings hat man von Archie schon lange nichts mehr gesehen, wenn ich mich nicht ihre, seit Regina ihre Magie-Therapie angefangen hat, oder?

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 24.11.2012, 11:25
von Wednesday
Maret hat geschrieben:
Lavendelblüte hat geschrieben:Die übernächste Folge wird sicher auch spannend...da kommen Emma und Snow ja wahrscheeeinlich wieder zurück...ich vermute ja..dass Cora und Hook in Gestelt von Emma und MM nach Storybrooke kommen...aaaber wer weiß...
Auf die Idee bin ich noch gar nicht gekommen, kann es mir aber eher nicht vorstellen. Ich denke, dass Cora und Hook es irgendwie schaffen, unbemerkt von den anderen nach Stroybrooke zu kommen, so dass sich alle fälschlicherweise in Sicherheit wähnen.
Ich denke da wie Maret.
Das Erscheinen von Hook und Cora wäre doch was für eine Schlussszene. (:

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 28.11.2012, 13:10
von Lavendelblüte
Wir werden Ariel definitiv in dieser Season sehen:

Nov. 26 Wet Paint released a big character spoiler for "Once Upon a Time". Much to fans delight, it seems like The Little Mermaid will be making an appearance soon, likely after the mid season break that the show will soon be taking. Rumpelstiltskin says as much when he tells Henry that the special ink he has is only accessible to him through The Little Mermaid.

The magic ink that Henry is on a quest to reach may be the ultimate weapon to destroy Cora, Regina's evil mother who was taught by, none other than, Rumpelstiltskin. Since he is the only other besides The Little Mermaid that can get this magic ink, she will be an instrumental character in helping to defeat her and Regina.

One question that comes to mind when fans think of this new character addition is whether she will be coming to Storybrooke or Fairytale Land. In either situation it may be a difficult challenge because the characters fighting the fight are in different realms. If Ariel comes to Storybrooke, it's unlikely that she will be able to aid in Henry's quest to find more magic ink.

eonline com schreibt in deren Fragerunde folgendes:

Daisy: Any Once Upon a Time scoop you can share?
Yet another regal beauty will be joining the ABC hit series! Viewers will meet the elegant and poised Katerina in episode 15. Katerina captures the affection of all those that meet her, thanks to her pure spirit and kind heart. As if she doesn't already sound perfect enough, it's worth noting that she treats everyone with dignity and respect, no matter their place in society and she's super close with her adoring fam.

Ich Vermute mal dass es sich bei Katerina um Snows Mutter handelt...die Eigenschaften passen wie ich finde!
Und die Geschichte über sie würde mich auch interessieren... wie sie umgekommen ist..und warum..
es wäre ja die Höhe wenn Cora da ihre Finger im Spiel hatte um damals schon zu garantieen, dass Regina Snows Vater heiratet...oder Rumpel wars...wobei ich es hier eher Cora zutraue..Rumpel ist Rumpel...aber Cora ist gefährlich.

Edit: Oouuukayay Cora in Storybrooke! Unterhaltung mit Gold! :wtf: (weiß leider nicht woher das Bild kommt...habe es
hier gefunden


Sneeeaaak Peeek! wird spannend----

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 29.11.2012, 20:25
von ChrissiR

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 30.11.2012, 20:09
von Lavendelblüte
Im ersten Moment war ich total geschockt! Hook und Belle! Ist Hooke in Storybrooke, reißt er ihr das Herz heraus?? Und dann als Regina kam...war ich noch mehr verwirrt...aber dann ging ein Licht auf *Flashback*
Seeeehr interessanter Rückblick wie ich finde...bin auf die Episode äußerst gespannt!

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 05.12.2012, 13:27
von Lavendelblüte

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 06.12.2012, 15:17
von Lavendelblüte
Hier mal ein paar spoilerische Neuigkeiten für den weiteren Verlauf der Staffel...hört sich recht duster an, was die Handlung betrifft...hätte gerne mal ein zwei rosige Folgen!

Neue und schlimme Dinge für die Charmings

Zwei Neuankömmlinge

Dallas spricht: There’s a lot more to explore. Charming had a twin that was never fully realized – we only had a glimpse of him — so maybe there’ll be a chance to explore more of who that brother was." (

Ethan Embry

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 09.12.2012, 13:11
von Lavendelblüte
O'Donoghue said the following, according to TV Line on Thursday:
"Smee will definitely play a part in Hook’s plans. Belle is such a huge part of Rumple’s life. She might figure into the equation." (

(wetpaint)Today (December 6), Michael Raymond-James tweeted, "Glass of wine and the next #OnceAUponTime script. Clocking in for work."

So it looks like not only will Neal definitely be back, but we won't have to wait all that long to see him. While we're not exactly sure where the cast and crew are in the production process, we'd estimate that if Michael is reading a script now, we'll probably see him on screen within a month or two of the winter return.

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 10.12.2012, 17:36
von Lavendelblüte

Another member of the mysterious Frankenstein family has been cast and is set to appear in episode 12, after Once Upon A Time debuts in the new year. Two-time Emmy nominee and current Covert Affairs star, Gregory Itzin, is set to guest-star as Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s father, Alphonse, TV Line has spoiled. This Frankenstein-centric episode also features newly cast Chad Michael Collins as Victor’s~David Anders brother, Gerhardt.

In other Once casting news, producers are looking for a quick witted and defiant 10 year old prisoner of war. She is said to be able to see the future and is courageous against the kingdom’s soldiers. It’s a guest role and she is set to appear in episode 14. Another character that is being cast and set to appear in episode 14 is Seer. Producers are seeking a 30 year old woman who is described as brave and wiser than her years. Seer is plagued with psychic visions that she doesn’t want.

Then, coming our way in episode 15, is a character named Edith. Edith is another guest role and is said to be 50. She is described as kind and loyal. Edith serves a wealthy family who treat her as one of their own. ... -and-more/

hier ist noch ein großes Interview mit Robert Carlyle und Marshall Lewy über einen Indie Film. Die Fragen die zu OuaT gestellt werden poste ich mal hier... ... ew/216737/

On Once Upon A Time, both Mr. Gold and Rumplestiltskin walk on the edge of likeability. Do you ever worry about how the characters you play will be received by the audience, or do you not worry about whether or not they’ll actually like them?

once upon a time robert carlyleCARLYLE: I genuinely try not to. It’s never the actor’s place to worry about that. If they like him, great. If they don’t like him, great. It doesn’t matter to me. What’s important is being honest. So far, that’s what’s come across, particularly with Mr. Gold. You wouldn’t really want to hang out with him, at all, but somehow people have taken to his charm, or whatever it is. He would do you wrong, there’s no doubt about that. It’s interesting how it’s become that way. With Rumplestiltskin, the showrunners and chief writers, Adam Horowitz and Eddie Katsis, have been fantastic with me because they’ve said, “Just do what you want to do.” I didn’t know what I was going to do with this crazy fairy tale character that not many people know that much about. He’s got a strange name and he spins straw into gold. That’s it. I thought, “Fantastic! This is a blank canvas here. If I’m going to play on this blank canvas, it’s not going to be a pretty watercolor. I’m going to throw oils at it and just smash it like Jackson Pollock.” And that’s what I’ve done with Rumplestiltskin. I’ve just thrown everything, including the kitchen sink, into that character, and it’s worked. It could have went badly wrong, but the audience is just nuts for him. I’m enjoying playing him, and that probably comes across.

Has it been great to play all the twists with the fairy tale stories?

CARLYLE: I love that. I think that’s the genius of it, if that’s not too big of a word. They can take these well-known fairy tales and go, “Well, actually, maybe it wasn’t the fairy godmother that sent Cinderella to the ball. Maybe it was Rumplestiltskin.” And then, suddenly, it’s a whole different story.

What can you say to tease what’s to come when the show returns in January?

CARLYLE: The stuff that’s coming up, that I’m just about to do in the next three or four episodes, is mind-blowing. It just takes it somewhere else again. I was like, “Oh, my god!” You actually will feel sorry Gold. There’s his love for Belle and he’s trying to be a better man, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

Halloo?? Ich hätte gerne mal ein paar glückliche Momente zwischen Gold und Belle. Ich habe generell schon mitleid mit Gold...jedenfalls teilweise...da brauche ich nicht noch mehr zu haben...
Das ist doch eine Märchenserie! Ich will Märchenhaftes sehen und nicht nur Drama.

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 12.12.2012, 20:25
von Maret
Das ist doch eine Märchenserie! Ich will Märchenhaftes sehen und nicht nur Drama.
Das Glück gibt es in Märchen immer erst am Ende - und wir wollen doch nicht, dass OUAT sobald endet, oder? ;) Grundsätzlich hoffe ich aber auch auf ein paar schöne Momente, zumindest für einige der Charaktere.

Es gibt auch erste Infos zu #2.10:
When Regina is accused of murdering a beloved fairytale character, Emma thinks she is innocent; Prince Charming and Snow White plan the evil queen's execution.

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 13.12.2012, 13:16
von Lavendelblüte
Ich frage mich wer denn sterben wird... hm.. Archie???! glaube ich aber nicht...

"Hook" sagt folgendes:

“Smee will definitely play a part in Hook’s plans,” Colin O’Donoghue assured me. Speaking of the sidekick’s previous target, could Belle land in Hook’s hooks, as a way of getting back at his mortal foe Rumplestiltskin? “Belle is such a huge part of Rumple’s life…,” O’Donoghue agreed. “She might figure into the equation.” (

Set Fotos:

und noch ein zweites:


Frage...warum schauen die alle so schockiert ?? Hmmmm

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 13.12.2012, 14:14
von Celinaaa
Hmmm, ist das ein Snow/Charming-Kuss oder ein Josh/Ginnifer-Kuss? :) So niedlich die beiden!!!

Sorry für meinen recht unproduktiven Beitrag, aber das musste ich jetzt mal loswerden! :D

Re: [Spoiler] Staffel 2

Verfasst: 13.12.2012, 15:20
von Insomniac
Celinaaa hat geschrieben:Hmmm, ist das ein Snow/Charming-Kuss oder ein Josh/Ginnifer-Kuss? :) So niedlich die beiden!!!

Sorry für meinen recht unproduktiven Beitrag, aber das musste ich jetzt mal loswerden! :D

Das war aber auch die erste Frage die mir in den Sinn gekommen ist, bei den Bildern. ^_^