FairyFloss - House & Cameron

Diskutiert hier über die Fälle von Dr. House und seinem Team.

Beitrag von sam_doc »

Reiko-Fan hat geschrieben: Echt krass was die mit dem kuss veranstaltet haben
Ich finde auch, echt schlimm wie sie den Kuss ignoriert haben, und dem zufolge, dass House und Cameron den Kuss einfach ignoriert haben, ich meine das geht doch nicht, oder?

Kein Kommentar, keine Anspielung und (leider) keine Wiederholung! Warum nicht?
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

Ja, vorallem weil sie das super easy mit ins Finale einarbeiten hätten können :roll:

So zum Beispiel ...
Cameron steht auf und gibt ihm den Brief woraufhin er meint "Deja vu ... are you going to kiss me next?" oder so was
Und dafür hätten sie dann einfach diesen eckeligen Chameron Kuss rauslassen sollen :tounge:

UND ... ich hab mir eben ein paar Disney Szene angeschaut und dann bin ich auf das hier gestoßen
Die Schöne und das Biest
Und irgendwie gibt es da erstaundliche Parallelen zu House und Cameron ^_^
Erstmal sieht Belle aus wie Cameron, dann benimmt sich das Biest wie House vor dem Date (wobei der Kerzenleuchter Wilson ist) und als er sich zum Schluss fragt ob sie mit ihm glücklich ist ... hehe, sooo genial
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von chandy »

Reiko-Fan hat geschrieben: UND ... ich hab mir eben ein paar Disney Szene angeschaut und dann bin ich auf das hier gestoßen
Die Schöne und das Biest
Und irgendwie gibt es da erstaundliche Parallelen zu House und Cameron ^_^
Erstmal sieht Belle aus wie Cameron, dann benimmt sich das Biest wie House vor dem Date (wobei der Kerzenleuchter Wilson ist) und als er sich zum Schluss fragt ob sie mit ihm glücklich ist ... hehe, sooo genial
^_^ oh wie herlich. ja das stimmt schon.

aber das mit dem kuss war schon heftig, ich meine, das war ja nicht einfach nur son kuss, der war doch ziemlich leidenschaftlich und house schien auch enttäuscht zu sein, dass cameron das son bisschen ausgenutzt hat. aber naja, männer und writer sind die am schwersten zu verstehenden menschen auf dem planeten. und wenn die dann noch beides sind, dann wird es echt brenzlig.

aber ich glaube auch nicht, dass die house was mit cuddy anfangen lassen und das aus 2 gründen.
a) die beiden funktionieren nur so wie es ist, hier und da mal ne vertraulichkeit ist ja ok, aber mehr und das funktioniert nicht mehr. und die szenen sind schon sehr wichtig für die serie.
b) house liebt cuddy meiner ansicht nach nicht. er respektiert sie und bewundert sie auch sicher auf eine bestimmte art und weise. sicher mag er sie auch, aber mehr denke ich nicht. sicher necken sich die beiden auch gerne, aber das ist es wahrscheinlich auch, was den reiz für house ausmacht. die anzüglichkeiten funktionieren auch so schön bei cuddy.
was cuddy angeht mag das vielleicht anders sein, aber house ist zu cameron ganz anders und dass er sie doch ziemlich mag zeigt sich einfach deutlicher.
(so, ich musste mich jetzt selber mal beruhigen)

Beitrag von Carol »

So nun auch noch mal hier ein herzliches Hallo @all. :)

Also ich würde mich zum jetztigen Zeitpunkt zwar noch nicht als Herzblut House/Cam shipper bezeichnen aber ich glaube es ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit :D Bzw. die Schuld der Autoren, denn ich war auf dem besten Wege alle meine Vorsätze über non-shipping über Bord zu werfen bis ja bis zu Half-Wit. Denn der erste Teil der Staffel stand ja eindeutig im Forkus der beiden. Meiner Meinung nach ist für eine Person wie House ein solcher Kuss (hot, hot, hot ;) ) viel zu wichtig, um ihn nie wieder zu erwähnen :roll: Es passt auch irgendwie nicht ganz zum Charakter von House der wie Cam im Finale ja richtig angemerkt hat einfach einen "Joke" hätte machen müssen.

Beitrag von chandy »

Carol hat geschrieben:Meiner Meinung nach ist für eine Person wie House ein solcher Kuss (hot, hot, hot ;) ) viel zu wichtig, um ihn nie wieder zu erwähnen :roll:
zumal ER ja SEINE zunge in IHREN mund gepackt hat. ER hat ja angefangen SIE so leidenschaftlich zu küssen. und das sicher nicht, weil er cameron einen gefallen tun wollte. so nach dem motto: Ach die arme kleine, küss ich sie mal.

hab heute die folge gesehen, wo er sie zum monstertruck einlädt. gott war das süß, die einladung an sich war schon so niedlich. aber ich finde house ja eh so süß, wenn es um cameron geht.

Beitrag von ~FairyFlossLish~ »

chandy hat geschrieben:
Carol hat geschrieben:Meiner Meinung nach ist für eine Person wie House ein solcher Kuss (hot, hot, hot ;) ) viel zu wichtig, um ihn nie wieder zu erwähnen :roll:
zumal ER ja SEINE zunge in IHREN mund gepackt hat. ER hat ja angefangen SIE so leidenschaftlich zu küssen. und das sicher nicht, weil er cameron einen gefallen tun wollte. so nach dem motto: Ach die arme kleine, küss ich sie mal.
Der Kuss war echt so toll, den hätte man nochmal erwähnen(oder wiederholen ;) ) müssen. Ich mein in s4 können sie ja dann schlecht irgendwann mal sagen " Hey Cam, weisst du noch wie ich dich mal geküsst hab?" :roll: Das Finale wäre perfekt gewesen, zudem dar es ja fast die "Wiederholung" der Szene war, mit dem Schriebtisch, dem Resignationletter, der Musik...
Aber ich gebe nicht auf.. das wird schon noch was mit den Beiden :up:

Beitrag von sam_doc »

Reiko-Fan hat geschrieben: UND ... ich hab mir eben ein paar Disney Szene angeschaut und dann bin ich auf das hier gestoßen
Die Schöne und das Biest
Und irgendwie gibt es da erstaundliche Parallelen zu House und Cameron ^_^
Erstmal sieht Belle aus wie Cameron, dann benimmt sich das Biest wie House vor dem Date (wobei der Kerzenleuchter Wilson ist) und als er sich zum Schluss fragt ob sie mit ihm glücklich ist ... hehe, sooo genial
Super! Du hast recht, werd mir jetzt den ganzen Film anschaun ;)

~FairyFlossLish~ hat geschrieben:Aber ich gebe nicht auf.. das wird schon noch was mit den Beiden
Ja genau, ich geb auch nicht auf! Wir müssen das ganze einfach nur positiv sehen und auf den nächsten Kuss warten, der hoffentlich nicht erst wieder nach fast 3 Seasons kommt ;)

Beitrag von ~FairyFlossLish~ »

sam_doc hat geschrieben:
~FairyFlossLish~ hat geschrieben:Aber ich gebe nicht auf.. das wird schon noch was mit den Beiden
Ja genau, ich geb auch nicht auf! Wir müssen das ganze einfach nur positiv sehen und auf den nächsten Kuss warten, der hoffentlich nicht erst wieder nach fast 3 Seasons kommt ;)
Nochmal 3 Seasons halt ich nicht aus..aber was solls, wenns die Writers nicht gut mit uns meinen gibts ja noch Denial Land, aber wie gesagt, die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt...solange es House gibt wird es Allegory geben!"!
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

Okay, Anna und ich hatten eben ne Erleuchtung ... und zwar wegen diesem Text hier:

Das ist von ner Userin im FOX board, sie hat Film studiert und auch wenn der Post mega-lang ist, lest ihn trotzdem ... weil es einen auf jeden Fall wieder glücklich macht ;)
"Alright, this is specially directed to everybody that says there’s no hameron on this episode or that they killed hameron or that Huddy won over hameron.

1.-Everybody tells him to do things but Cameron. He doesn’t expect that, and he also realizes that fact.

Wilson (on personal terms):
-Do something about Foreman
-Unfire Chase
-Tell the husband that there’s nothing to do with his wife.
Cuddy (on personal and medical terms):
-Unfire Chase
-Tell the husband that there’s nothing to do with his wife
Chase (on personal terms):
-Don’t do this with Foreman
-Foreman doesn’t need that
-You could do this with Foreman

Meanwhile Cameron tries to understand him and so, to support him, to respect him, to let him be him, while doesn’t demand him to do anything as we clearly are told on the last hameron scene when she says, and I quote: “I don’t expect you to do anything.”… “I expect you to be fine”. This is one of the reasons why I can’t conceive the idea of any other woman being in a serious relationship with House believable at this point.

2.-(One of my favourite transitions and shots) Cameron hugs Foreman, they separate and House appears.

He’s been observing. He’s looking at her, not Foreman. He’s studying her. He says “Do I get a hug too?”

NOTE: For those who would say “you don’t know who he was looking at before they broke the hug”. As I already said, NOTHING’S done because of nothing on cinema and NOTHING’s shown without a meaning and that’s why EVERYTHING shown is calculated and does have a meaning, SPECIALLY on House. That’s why they only wanted to show us him looking at Cameron before and while he said that.

If I was directing that episode, if it’s not already on the script (which probably is), I would say “Hugh, when the scene starts you are looking at Cameron”, and if he wants to know why, House’s motives, then he would ask me and I would tell him so he would know how to act that part.

What I don’t find clear is if the fact that he looks away after that was on the script or was HL’s curtesy.

I think the soundtrack should be mentioned here too. This scene was suited with a bgm with rhythm, moving, in the meaning that it makes the situation disturbing which is linked with the disturbing situation of the case: the fact that her heart stopped because of nothing (God, this is why I loved this show, I really missed this kind of things on this second half of the season).

Is it just a pre to what’s going to come about the conversation of the case or is it that they show us he’s disturbed by the fact that Cameron’s hugging Foreman too, while also she’s getting pretty for Chase? I would like the second one to be the one as a Hameron shipper I am. But even so, I do think that this is the most plausible option since it wraps three options in one: The case is mentioned in between Foreman/Cameron’s moment, mentioning the case, then the gift, then the case, then Chase, then the case etc while the soundtrack starts at the same point where House appears and looks at Cameron. I repeat, there are NO coincidences on this kind of things. The start of a bgm in a precise moment ALWAYS has a meaning.

The tempo and the change on the beats of the song do also perfectly fit with the following statements:

-House looks at her and makes the comment. The beginning of the scene.
-HOUSE: “what a thoughtful gift… nice reminder of intellectual theft!” etc.
-HOUSE: You are wearing lipstick.
-HOUSE: You two don’t have any theories etc.
-HOUSE: Go. (FOREMAN: it’s too late for theories…)
-HOUSE: How can you tell him that there’s no hope when you can’t tell him why there is no hope!
-FOREMAN: He pulls the plug and that means that you failed
-When the scene’s over.

All those are key sentences as you can see.

3.-Alright. Analization of the finale Hameron scene. Analyzation of the shots from a cinematographic point of view and analyzation of the soundtrack from a cinematographic point of view + image reading.

The scene starts with an extreme close-up to Cameron: whatever it’s going to come it’s Cameron’s decision, it’s about her, and it’s important. Those are her emotions right now.
House appears and she looks at him. She’s not expecting nothing since she’s relaxed, she made a decision, that’s all, this time there’s nothing she asks about him, that`s why in the contrary to the other situations where she tried to push something out of him there was tension from her part but not now.

And when she gets up and hands him the real image talking about this relationship starts:

1.- The action is somewhat cold. Sober, “this is it, this is what I’m trying to do: give you this”. American long shot of the action –purpose of the shot: to show some actions and some of the context the action takes place in.

2.- Travelling of the Camera plus slight “contrapicado” (camera angle from below). There’s movement (the camera angle), uneasiness (camera angle + soundtrack + the shot’s come closer + camera movement with the travelling): This is something that affects both’s inner selves, both’s feelings (the shot’s closer + soundtrack + camera angle).

3.- Longer shot, again, American shot. She’s saying what she wanted to say in the first place, what she was planning on saying, nothing else. The real truth. Her decision.

4.- Extreme Close-up to House’s face. That’s important, it affects him, his feelings, we need to see his reaction. And his reaction is that he looks at her. Unbelievably? Exasperated? Telling her/us that he “knows” this is something he isn’t so surprised about, because he “knows” this is another movement to get him to do something? (like the others?) That he “knows” this is something natural for her to do because it’s some kind of movement to defend Chase and get him to un-fire him? That’s up to the viewer. I’m with the last two options.

5.-Closer shot of her. We need to see her expression and her position standing there. Firm, again, it’s what she came to do.

6.-Extreme close up to House’s face again. We need to see his reactions again. He looks downwards. He’s thinking.

7.-Back to the previews shot of Cameron. She tells him why, her reasons, simple, reality, truth. She’s telling, and therefore we are shown, the realization she had, the realization she accepted.

8.-Short close-up to House’s face. We again see his face, his expression, his eyes (which are REDDER when he looks back up) He says gently, not understanding (just look at his face): “WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO” He looks at her and there we see his broken expression and eyes. “Break down and apologize… beg Chase to come back”

9.-Close up to Cameron’s face. She smiles. She tells, still relaxed, the truth, that she doesn’t expect anything about him. She’s not expecting him to change (Main plot of the episode that affects directly to the main plot of the show: House). That’s why she doesn’t demand anything and all this dialogue and shots are telling us that: That she’s just realized something and made a decision out of it. She is the only one that respects him, that isn’t pushing him, that just lets him change at his own rhythm, that lets him make his own choices, whether she agrees or not. She is the only one that tells him what he’s going to do, somewhat understands what he does because it’s him and respects that. She is the only one that respects him, his way in, and his decision through this episode.

10.- Travelling following Cameron as she approaches him. Taking the chance of the dialogue she’s saying to set up the next shot.

11.-Medium shot. We are shown what we need to see once again: House’s reaction to what she said: He’s looking at her, taking in what she just said + Cameron’s arm movement: What she does and House’s reaction to that. He looks at her motion, at her hand, he doesn’t back away, he doesn’t stiffen, he’s taking in what’s going on. He’s not making snarky comments, he’s not being a jerk, he’s not doing anything harsh, he’s listening to her, he’s taking all in. He’s not disturbed by the closeness nor their touch.

12.- short Close up to Cameron’s face: Whatever she’s going to say it’s important. She’s close, closer, as we were shown that tiny movement on the previews shot. House looks back up at her eyes, but that’s not the most important thing, the important thing is what she’s going to say, how she’s going to say it, and what her face shows while she says it. And it is another sincere and pure TRUTH: “I’ll miss you”.

13.-Close up to House’s face + travelling. We need to see his expression, Cameron’s leaving is not important at that moment, it’s House’s face after what he heared. And he’s thinking, he’s serious, he’s not happy. This is new, he’s taking what just happened in and thinking about it or maybe replaying it on his head. There’s movement with the travelling: it’s moving for him, it’s not something static, it’s something that gets into him in one way or the other OR it could be a way of getting us more into that “thinking mode”.

14.- Transition: cross-fade between this scene and the next one, we are shown where does it take place and when: Princeton Plainsboro, at night. Time has passed (transition type).


It’s the same as the one used for the Kiss, moving, impetuous, present, lots of bumps, exciting, uneasy, making people wonder “what’s going to happen?” while rising the uneasiness of the scene, the moving part of the scene. It’s a bgm that’s been used for somewhat big moments, moments that affect either the main plot that affects House or the main plot that affects the case of the episode in question. It’s telling us this is a big moment, that this scene gets into the character, that it is moving to the main character who is the most important one and who is the show itself. We can’t miss this part, this bgm has been placed to capture us on this part. No soundtrack: it’s not so important, yes soundtrack: man, you should see this.

Quick personal comment: Now, this scene is screaming Hameron everywhere. And by no means can be compared to the Huddy’s situations they’ve shown us. THIS is why I don’t buy Huddy by anymeans, THIS is what I read in every hameron, specially important hameron, scenes from a pure cinematographic point of view. And THIS is why I support Hameron from the beginning, because THIS is what they’ve been buying us until this half of the season where an incredible 180º turn took place, not only in relationships, but in storylines, kind of scripts, rhythm etc…. THIS is why the flow was broken from episode 15 and on.

*My personal opinion on this Hameron scene along with Huddy and the ongoing of those ships through this season:

No matter how many other people told him to, he didn’t do anything, but now… now’s different, he seems to actually be willing to DO SOMETHING and there’s a moment where he seems to be asking her what. I would have loved to know if he would have done what she said, and I think eventually he would have done it. It kind of reminded me of the scene on the tritter arc when she asked him to please, stop that. She was the only one he let enter and approach him, and this closeness and gentleness has been shown here again, back then, he didn’t tell her no either, instead, he looked downwards. And what’s more important on this case, all the image and sound language was screaming us to pay attention to this. Just like back then there where shots, moments, and dialogues that screamed Hameron too, which I’m not going to analyze too because it could take me forever to write everything I read in between the images, dialogues and soundtracks per episode.

Comparing this with this episodes Huddy moment, and most of the Huddy moments that have been placed through all the seasons, the coldness, the shots, the lack of soundtrack, the kind of comments… IS WHY I DON’T , I WON’T, I NEVER DID AND I CAN’T BUY ALL THE HUDDINESS THAT TOOK PLACE DURING THIS LAST HALF OF THE SEASON. AND WHAT’S WORSE, IT BROKE THE RHYTHM THE SHOW HAD, THE RHYTHM THAT WAS PLACED AND THAT I’VE COMMENTED SO MANY TIMES THAT I’M TIRED OF ALWAYS SAYING THE SAME. Along with what I believe have been behind the scenes reasons, it’s been the reason for having episodes where even House was ignored, if it wasn’t House then it was Wilson, and if it wasn’t Wilson it was the patient! House was a medical drama, not a soap operaish drama! The patients were important, they were the ones that followed a similar situation to something that someone of the team had to learn about! And we had to see how that part of the show died to show us how interested SUDDENLY House and Cuddy are with each other!

That was one of the most disappointing things to see on this season and show.

And as a plus since there is so much interest on taking hameron away to make huddy happen: Through all this years we’ve been shown that talking about Hameron is talking about things that move both of the characters, that make them develop with themselves’ help, at their own rhythm that is flowing since the very beginning of the show. Talking about Huddy is talking about legs, about a$$es, about boobs, there’s not been such an internally moving scene between those two EVER while they’ve been tones of this, specially this latest season, about Hameron, AND YOU EXPECT US TO BUY IT? TO TAKE THIS AS A GOODBYE TO HAMERON? TO BUY THE FACT THAT HUDDY IS MORE POSSIBLE THAN HAMERON? THAT AFTER TAKING CAMERON AND HOUSE THREE YEARS TO DEVELOP, TO GET CLOSER EACH SEASON, TO GROW UP AT SOME POINTS WITH A RHYTHM TPTB CREATED AND MANTAINED UNTILL THIS HALF OF THIS SEASON, TO COME THIS CLOSE… DOES ANYONE REALLY EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT THERE’S ANOTHER WOMAN THAT COULD FIT AND BE ABLE TO GET TO HOUSE AS EASILY AND EARLIER THAN HER?¿? AND I’M TALKING ABOUT HOUSE AND NOT HOUSE’S SEXUAL INTERESTS.

Through all the series we’ve seen how House has hitted on women, and how he admitted Cameron to be hot, but yet again whenever he sees her he doesn’t make comments that would mean “I’m only interested in you because you are hot” One or two comments, that’s all, every other hameron moments have been meaningful, they talked about feelings, about both’s feelings, they SHOWED feelings like it showed on this last scene. While I find Huddy to talk only about sex, about how much he wants to make it out with her since half of this season on. Meaningful things have been said from House to Cuddy, he’s slapped the door on her nose lots of times, everytime we can call something a huddy moment is sex implied “a giant a$$ for the world…” “and when I saw her in that skirt I got so hard that-! Oh! Dr. Cuddy!” etc etc While, in the past, I found those moments funny, I find them disturbing and as something that is breaking some parts of the flow of show at the present. I feel like it’s been rushed, sustained vaguely with a couple of darts, taken out of the sleeve, and never suggested it to be this seriously before: Something you can appreciate from season one’s flashbacks where Cuddy appears. You may like this new scenario for the two of them that was FORCED to be placed on episode 16 or not, but that’s how I, and millions of other people, see it.

And what’s MORE IMPORTANT, every Hameron moment was placed since the beginning in a basis that wouldn’t break the show’s rhythm, that wouldn’t let anyone, nor any part of the show’s compound to be set aside since that Hameron parts where parts of the rhythm of the show itself, and I repeat, from the beginning. Something that Huddy’s relationship couldn’t bear through this season. We were sadly able to see that just from the very beginning of this turn around where, instead of a tiny baby step, they took a giant ocean-like leap which they expected the audience to believe, while the mainly ones that bought it were, of course: the Huddy fans.

During Huddy’s introspective on this half of the season they’ve been forced to tell us things that we “didn’t know”, and that wasn’t suggested before, in a very short time of period, like the affair they had, the fact that House “should get over Cuddy” as she said, etc. That was one of the reasons why this season’s flow broke, because it rushed the rhythm it had, because it’s been the first time they’ve tried to make us swallow some info like that, and that’s why it made it unbelievable. Not only that, but along with what I assume are behind scenes reasons, House was set aside through more than one episode, when it wasn’t House it was Wilson’s turn, and while this all happened they took the chance to explore Cuddy’s personality, twitching all the rhythm, the flow and the way of telling a story they had even more by moments since they didn’t respect the way they had of telling things and exploring characters since episode 1-season 1. Even medical mysteries kept going down and down, making all what was happening even less believable and disappointing to the audience to the point of losing viewers and fans.

This is another major reason why I said I would quit watching House if it kept going on like this.


1.-Laughed out loud with: --- HOUSE-- “my name on the door, my team, my decisions.”—CUDDY-- “My building, my floor, my people”. LOVED Cuddy’s expression xDDDDD.
2.-The episode’s general rhythm: Slow, yet not boring by any means. On the 98% of it, it told us things on the rhythm it used to do it, like the ones from the first seasons, except for Cameron’s take on the Chameron relationship. Read “Things I didn’t buy”. Loved the nice flow that’s been perceptible in other seasons as well.
3.-The amount of plots and subplots:
-Human error
-The Ducklings relationships with themselves
-The ducklings relationships with House
-Wilson and Cuddy’s relationship with House
-House’s relationship with patients
-The case
4.- The script! Except for the part I already mentioned about chameron. One thing is to want to try something, and another thing is to be so eager about it from one day to the other.
5.-The case
6.-I laughed when the patient said “Thanks God” and House answered “Don’t make me slap you!” XDDDDDDDDD


1.- That House doesn’t care: Read the “observations part”

2.- How the Chameron came out on this episode.

First she tells him that she should go on the bar, and then she appears on his apartment and tells him that she was tired of waiting for Tuesday to arrive? We’ve seen her being cold and mean to Chase on this matter, and while I love the fact that this time Cameron seemed to be the old Cam, at least at the way of talking and acting, I don’t buy, can’t believe etc, the fact that she suddenly is eager for Tuesday to arrive because of that.

I can buy the fact that she’s understood she can’t be with House from her point of view. I can buy the fact that she needs to say goodbye to House to try something else. I can buy that she may have developed some kind of interest in trying something with someone and since Chase is the closest one, well “why not”.

Anyways, I think that the conversation the patient had with Cameron about her husband, about how Esteban asked and is had an effect on Cameron for doing this. That’s why we are shown close-ups to her while she’s listening to what Marina’s saying.

But I definitely can’t buy the fact that she’s nervous and eager about that, I can’t buy the change of behaviour towards Chase from one episode to the other, I can’t buy the fact that minutes earlier she was basically telling him “no” once again as she says “I think I should go” and then she goes and appears on his apartment saying yes and smiling wishfully. Sorry.

Anyways, I think that the conversation the patient had with Cameron about her husband, about how Esteban is, had an effect on Cameron, which was useful and a push for her resignation. That’s why we are shown close-ups to her while she’s listening to what Marina’s saying. And after everything I’ve said, I think I don’t need to mention that I don’t think she did this because of Chase, to help him be back and all, but because of her own feelings and development.

Personal opinion on why Chameron did happen:

I think that in order for Huddy to happen they need to have Cameron either: gone, or no longer interested in House. Making her giving up on House and trying something with Chase, when they’ve already played this before and kind of supported it every now and then, it was a safe move to make to get her away from House’s feelings. Now that House seems to be interested in Cuddy, all this Hameron break seems to be more believable (which doesn’t mean that I find believable since it’s been done the way it’s been done).

So, conclusion: Chameron HAD to happen so Huddy could happen.

3.- Huddy’s moment.

It’s cold, soundtrack’s ending on the part where he makes a comment about her legs, and it fits more with his mental state about the case, Foreman and his team’s ongoing and the preview’s scene than with the comment. In fact, I think that song was meant to be the link between the two scenes: the patient’s mental state and House’s mental state, that’s all. Also, I think that complimenting her legs is so empty that I can’t buy by NO MEANS that he does have actual romantic interest on her. The fact that he gets hard on the shower thinking about her legs, a$$ etc doesn’t mean that he loves her. And even less that that relationship could work. In fact, they’ve been the two main characters that have had most strong discussions as to make someone cry than anybody else. Even Wilson.

I found that scene and statement as: Cold, empty. It didn’t even have the usual sexual attraction that those comments were charged with. There was distance between them, long shots… nothing, emptiness, coldness. All this makes me think that for real romantic and long-term Huddy as something completely unbelievable and impossible.

There’s no way I’m buying it.

4.-The fact that Hameron has ended. The reasons have already been stated.

5.- And the thing I didn’t, can’t and won’t buy: That Hameron’s being replaced by Huddy. Read the “Hameron” section for further explanation.

6.- The fact that this episode put an ending to Hameron and Huddy’s war.

So let me put this straight… In the same producer’s words, this episode was supposed to put an end to hameron and huddy because you obviously can’t work with people you have feelings for and not do something about it. We know Cuddy’s and Cameron’s feelings, the ones we don’t really know are House’s real deep ones about each one of them. Now, I think everybody agrees that to put an end to this, HOUSE is the key, right? HE is the one that has to do something, right? Because both of the females have already done moves.


First. He made the comment about Cuddy’s body , as always, nothing new there. So? Is that a move? ‘Cause I would swear that we’ve seen this way toooooooooo many times.

Second. What did he do to make us think he doesn’t feel anything about Cameron, or that that wouldn’t work? Because from what I already explained, IN THE CONTRARY, we where shown that Cameron’s feelings, that her being beside him or not, DOES affect him. The one that gave up was CAMERON, BUT, in order for her to give up on House she NEEDED AND HAD TO resign and leave the job, leave Princeton Plainsboro, and therefore, leave House, get away from him. She was decided, of course, that’s why she first went to meet Chase and THEN meet House.

But THAT was her decision. THAT was the Hameron scene. NOW, do you really expect me to buy that there’s not going to be hameron, that there aren’t going to be any more hameron moments ant that hameron would never work after all the scenes like the one described above and when we already know the ducklings are going to be back next season? (they better be. If not, I would take that as “we screwed, we don’t know how to fix it, so we restart”. And I don’t think that could be TPTB’s case.)

My answer is: HA!

7.- The fact that he is completely fine

90% of the cases (since I can’t recall all the episodes) we’ve seen House drinking was when he WASN’T FINE: When he thought about Stacey. When Stacey came back. When he was depressed on Christmas and called his parents. Etc.

After his conversation with Cameron, after he’s lost all his ducklings, we are shown him drinking. He says “he’s fine”, but I think he’s lying, everybody lies after all. He may even not know it, who knows. But he’s drinking.

While he kind of half smiles, he doesn’t fully smile. We know his smile, and he didn’t smile openly. While he says he THINKS he’s okay, he doesn’t even say it convinced. Is he okay? Or is he trying to convince himself he’s okay? And if he’s okay, then I wonder how are the ducklings going to be back. Even if it’s in a different way. Is he planning on hire them as doctor with the same rank as him?

And if he’s okay, then all the part when he tried to make Foreman stay and the hameron scene wouldn’t make sense at all either unless he has a plan already running that will turn out on a change. Because we first were shown how the situation does affect him, and then we are told that it doesn’t. Nope, sorry, one or the other, and the one that is shown the first and shows more emotions is the one that usually wins the audience: that he DOES care, therefore he can’t be fine.

And the final song is also saying that he’s a good man for us, or the ducklings?


After reading Kaplow’s point of view on House on an interview where he said that House really DIDN’T care about anyone and didn’t have the heart that most of the fans think he has… I think this episode was a way of him telling us his point of view as a goodbye (since he’s leaving the show).

BUT, as most of the fans did realize, Hugh Laurie made a great job where he added feeling on his eyes, movements, gazes and interactions. And I think that’s why we don’t buy and won’t ever buy that House doesn’t have a heart. That’s why we’ve seen this care, or humanity, on him from the beginning of the show. Even if the writers tried to show us he doesn’t, HL, as great as an actor he is, did a great job as always and showed us the tiny bit of heart that House does have, because House is HL in that matter.

Also, the feeling you get about him and the other characters with one of David Shore’s episodes and the feeling you get with other episodes written by other authors are different. So I don’t think this was conclusive at all.

Either way, as long as HL keeps acting like this, House will always have a heart for all of us. And I personally love the fact that he does have one. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be as human as to make such mistakes as to keep everybody away from yourself, etc and it would be very difficult to have some kind of empathy with him and like him. This kind of things that are present during the first seasons and the first half of this one, specially the first season, are the ones that made a big part of the audience care about House, want to comfort him, have some kind of empathy with him, want to see him SLOWLY change, and LOVED to see the tiny moments when he would show some kind of happiness, care or… humanity.

That’s why I don’t buy that he doesn’t care nor have a heart. Sorry. This is something that has been interpreted by a large amount of the audience like this since the beginning and if you change it, you kill the show, because House is the show, and that’s how most part of the audience sees House.


Yes, I liked this episode, and YES I will still give the 4th season a chance since I liked 98% of this script. But if the ducklings don’t come back, depending on how it is done: it’s over. If after all this there’s no hameron: it’s over. Since David Shore seems to be gone and Kaplow’s gone too, if the scripts fall down again: it’s DEFINITELY over. If Huddy is pushed as something suddenly romantic, or anything like that: it’s over. If Huddy’s added as something for long-term: it’s over. It’s not a matter of shipping, it’s a matter of changing House MD’s show.

For me, right now, this third season had 16 “real” episodes and a plus. Meaning the first 15 episodes, the last one, and as the plus: episode 16… whose technical script was a masterpiece of work.

Thanks for Reading"
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von vanille123 »

Okay, Anna und ich hatten eben ne Erleuchtung ... und zwar wegen diesem Text hier:

Das ist von ner Userin im FOX board, sie hat Film studiert und auch wenn der Post mega-lang ist, lest ihn trotzdem ... weil es einen auf jeden Fall wieder glücklich macht
Du sagt es... :D Und seht mal wie hell es jetzt ist.*freu*

Diese Meinung ist zugegeben sehr lang aber auch sehr genial. :anbet:

Irgentwie öffnet es einem die Augen,wie sehr doch schon kleinste Teile einer Episode,einer Szene oder gar einer Kameraseinstellung die Stoyline rüberbringen.
Aber andererseite finde ich es auch leicht erschreckend wie viel uns so schon entgangen ist. :o Vielleicht sollte man jede "wichtige" Szene(obwohl ja eigentlich JEDE szene wichtig ist :schaem: ) nochmal aus diesem Blickwinkel sehen.

Am genialsten finde ich aber das Hugh durch seine Verkörperung von House entgegen oder trotz der momentanen Storyline,es so verkörpert das es "falsch" wirkt. ^_^ Hugh ist echt genial.

sooo...da mich Jen zu einer neuen Runde DW ermutigt/gebracht oder auch gedanklich gezwungen hat (allerdings mit freikarte zu gewissen gedankenzügen ) mache ich hier schluss.

Obwohl ich sicher noch weiter die nun erleuchteten gedanken aufschreiben könnte.
Aber das ist warscheinlich wiso überflüssig,wenn ihr den oberen Text lest.
Naja...liebste,erhellsteste grüße


Beitrag von sam_doc »

Wow, danke für den Post! :D

Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall ihn zu lesen, weil man danach überhaupt keine Zwiefel mehr hat, dass House und Cameron zusammen gehören :D

Warum studiere ich eigentlich nicht Film?
Es ist ja wirklich sehr interessant, was man alles zwischen den Zeilen lesen kann! Fand die Analyse wirklich super, und wenn man sich die Szene nachher nochmal ansieht, fällt einem alles noch viel genauer und deutlicher auf!

Hab echt Hochachtung vor der Autorin :anbet:
es wäre sicher lustig einmal eine Folge mit ihr anzuschaun und dann gleich alles zu analysieren!
He’s been observing. He’s looking at her, not Foreman. He’s studying her. He says “Do I get a hug too?”

NOTE: For those who would say “you don’t know who he was looking at before they broke the hug”.As I already said, NOTHING’S done because of nothing on cinema and NOTHING’s shown without a meaning and that’s why EVERYTHING shown is calculated and does have a meaning, SPECIALLY on House. That’s why they only wanted to show us him looking at Cameron before and while he said that.
Hab mir das schon öfter gedacht, wenn die wirklich H/C nicht machen wollen sondern Huddy *Magen dreht sich um*, warum zeigen sie uns dann immer wieder solche Szenen! :D :D

Ah meinem Shipper Herz geht es besser, danke nochmal für den Post und ich bin jetzt ab sofort wieder im "denial land", denn ich weiß, alles wird gut...


Beitrag von chandy »

weil ich nicht schlafen kann habe ich mir den ganzen beitrag mal durchgelesen und kann den letzten teil nur unterschreiben. alles, was die serie ausmacht beruht auf den dingen, die die dame ausgeführt hat. kann dem eigentlich nicht mehr viel hinzufügen.
ich fasse zusammen: house hat ein herz, house und cuddy hat nichts mit liebe zu tun und kann nicht funktionieren, house und cameron brauchen einander (die art und weise ist jedem selbst überlassen)
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

Schön, dass euch der Post auch so gut getan hat ;)

Hab eben ein Interview mit Jennifer entdeckt: hier

Am interessantesten find ich hier bei, dass sie von dem "Proposal" nicht vom Set erfahren hat. Das heißt also das war irgendwas Erfundenes :roll: #
Ich glaub ich will gar keine Spoiler mehr lesen :ohwell:

Aber auch den HC Teil find ich gut :D
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von soar »

:anbet: :anbet: :anbet: wirklich, die Person wo das im House Board gepostet hat, hat einen verdammt guten Job gemacht.
Sie hat wirklich alles auf den Punkt gebracht, wirklich gut analysiert und beschrieben (ohne dabei jemanden anzugreifen).
Sie hat mich wirklich aufgemutert... toll einfach toll
Ich hoffe, dies hat mal einer von den Writers oder Producer gelesen!

Danke Jen, dass du es auch hier gepostet hast! :D

Beitrag von ~FairyFlossLish~ »

Wow echt ein toller Post,meine Hoffnung wurde gestärkt..echt interessant was man aus so einer Szene alles analysieren kann...
Also, weg mit Huddy und Chameron, Hameron is the way to go!

Beitrag von chandy »

in dem interview sagt jennifer morrison ja, dass sie gar nicht will, dass cameron und chase zusammen kommen. das ist ja lustig, die werden sie doch wohl nicht ärgern wollen.
also ihr writter, hört auf die gute frau! :D
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

Ich hab gerade eines der besten HC Videos gefunden *sigh*
Nicht abschrecken lassen davon, dass es ein BSB Lied ist :schaem:

Don't wanna loose you now

Soo schön :D
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von chandy »

Reiko-Fan hat geschrieben:Ich hab gerade eines der besten HC Videos gefunden *sigh*
Nicht abschrecken lassen davon, dass es ein BSB Lied ist :schaem:

Don't wanna loose you now

Soo schön :D
oh ja, sehr schön :anbet: auch wenn das lied etwas gruselig ist, aber es paßt. man hätte sicher ein besseres finden können aber egal.
das ist mal ein durchdachtes video, sher schön und mit einem so schön hach-gefühl. gucken sich die macher der serie auch mal sone sachen an? solltest sie zumindest.
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

*hüpft auf und ab*
*rennt durchs Zimmer*

Waaaaa ...
S3 DVD extras

-- Alternate Take From Cane and Able: The Angry Valley Girl Version
-- Half-Wit Commentary with Creator/Executive Producer David Shore and
Executive Producer/Director Katie Jacobs

-- Blooper Reel
-- The Making of The Jerk: Anatomy of an Episode - An inside look at the
making of Episode 23.
-- Soundtrack Session: Hugh Laurie and The Band From TV - Join Hugh Laurie
and the rest of The Band From TV as they record the smokey song "Minnie
the Moocher" for the show's soundtrack.
-- Open House: The Production Office - Executive Producer Katie Jacobs
gives viewers a tour of the production office.
-- Blood, Needles, and Body Parts: The House Prop Department -- An inside
look at the property department.
Ist das genial oder nicht? :D

Hab sie mir gerade vorbestellt bei AMAZON ... für 45$ inklusive Versand werd ich die Box spätestens im September haben :D ... verdammt, das sind auch nur 34€ :D da wird die ja hier mehr kosten :tounge:
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von ~FairyFlossLish~ »

Reiko-Fan hat geschrieben:*hüpft auf und ab*
*rennt durchs Zimmer*

Waaaaa ...
S3 DVD extras
-- Half-Wit Commentary with Creator/Executive Producer David Shore and
Executive Producer/Director Katie Jacobs
*mit auf und ab hüpf*
Das ist echt total cool...jipieeeeee...hoffentlich sagen sie dann auch was Tolles bei der Szene, vielleicht irgendne Andeutung dass das irgendwann nochmal so sein wird...Das ist echt super, ne bessere Folge konnte man nicht auswählen :up: :D

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