
Unser Board für alle Comedy-Serien und SitComs.


Beitrag von -Leisha- »

Friends? Schaut sich jemand regelmäßig die Serie an? Ich finde sie total witzig. Leider wurde die letzte Folge vor einigen Wochen ausgestrahlt und nun läuft Friends erstmal nicht im TV.

Beitrag von seki »

ich schau sie hin und wieder, solange es meine Zeit zulässt!

ich glaube aber in ORF1 spielts noch jeden Tag um 19'00 Uhr oder so!

Beitrag von pj-forever »

Alte Folgen werden doch um 14:00 Uhr auf Pro Sieben gezeigt, oder net?
Welche Staffel lief den immer Dienstags. Ich schätz mal die 8 oder 9. Weißt das jemand?

Beitrag von Nicci »

die 9. lief immer dienstag, soweit ich weiß...

Beitrag von -Leisha- »

Stimmt, habe mich falsch ausgedrückt! Ich meine natürlich, daß keine neuen Folgen derzeit im TV laufen. Die alten Folgen laufen jetzt immer samstags ca. 14.00 auf PRO 7.....also vor Dawson's Creek.

Beitrag von Nicci »

weiß schon jemand wann pro 7 plant die letzte staffel auszustrahlen? ich wette dass dauert erst mal wieder 1 1/2 jahre... :boese:

also so langsam entwickel ich echt ein haß auf pro 7... ich sag nur angel...buffy...

die letzte folge fand ich ziemlch crass! will wissen wie es mir joey und racher weitergeht

Beitrag von Nicci »


weil ich finde, dass sie die letzte staffel so aneinandergeklatscht haben, dass es schon wehtat.
hätten sie dass nicht gemacht, wäre zumindest eine angelstaffel zu ende gezeigt worden.
in den anderen ländern schaffen sies ja auch angel auszustrahlen, also dass wäre IMO das kleineste problem, oder? früher wurde Buffy ja auch ausgestrahlt. zwar auf nem samstag um 17.00 Uhr, aber zumindest konnte mans sehen ;)
Old Creek
Beiträge: 660
Registriert: 31.10.2002, 12:06
Wohnort: Österreich

Beitrag von Old Creek »

Sind ja nur noch 4 Folgen in den USA. Kann man sich in diesem Topic eigentlich auch über die 10. Staffel äußern ohne das man gekreuzigt wird oder sollte ich ein eigenes im Spoiler-Bereich öffnen!?
Welcome to Paradise...

Beitrag von LoveSupreme »

ich habe viel von der letzten staffel verpasst.. aber ich finde rachel und joey zusammen besser als rachel und ross. wie seht ihr das denn?

ich finde nicht, dass rachel und ross nochmal zusammenkommen sollten weil sie sich in der zwischenzeit doch total egal waren, es gab zwar früher dieses hin und her, dann kenne ich aber folgen in denen es rachel total egal war, wenn ross eine neue hatte und umgekehrt... und auch dass sie nach der babysache gar nicht das bedürfnis hatten wieder zusammenzukommen... wo ist denn da die liebe?

dafür mag ich chandler und monika... und pheobe ist die beste! :)

Beitrag von pj-forever »

Wie wär es zusammen mit Charmed. Kommt ja bald die neue Staffel. Passt doch gut zusammen, oder?

Beitrag von Nicci »

erik hat geschrieben:Ich glaube, wir sollten uns langsam in den Angel-Bereich verziehen ... :D
ähmm ja, das find ich auch irgendwie.

nochmal [offtopic]

mit Alias zusammen fänd ichs auch nicht schlecht... vielleicht würden die fans der jeweiligen anderen serie, die andere serie mitgucken und dadurch die einschaltquoten gegenseitig hochputschten... dass sind jetzt aber alles nur vermutungen. dasselbe mit charmed...


ich hätte vor nem halben jahr nie etwas von dieser konstellation Joey und Rachel hören wollen, aber ich find mittlerweile auch, dass die beiden perfekt zusammen passen!

Beitrag von Nicci »

@erik... wenn wir weiter drüber reden wollen, dann lass mal ein topic im angel forum aufmachen, okay?

weiß eigetnlich jemand etwas über das Joey-Spinn-off, was geplant war, nach dem ende von Friends?
Old Creek
Beiträge: 660
Registriert: 31.10.2002, 12:06
Wohnort: Österreich

Friends/ Spoiler

Beitrag von Old Creek »

Hier könnt ihr Spoiler posten und über Folgen diskutieren, die nocht nicht in Deutschland gelaufen sind.

Hier detailierte Spoilerangaben der noch ausstehenden Folgen in den USA.

Episode 1015 - The One Where Estelle Dies
Air Date: April 22nd

The One Where Estelle Dies picks up where the previous episode (The One With Princess...) leaves off. Rachel tells everyone that she's moving to Paris and that LV said that they would help out her and Ross because of Emma. They'd even fly Ross out. Joey and Phoebe come in and she tells them. Phoebe is genuinely happy for her, but Joey is upset because of so much change. Phoebe and Rachel hug. Rachel tries to hug Joey, but he says no. She latches onto him while he leaves and he drags her over to his apartment. Monica, Chandler, Ross, and Phoebe are in the apartment and talk about how Ross feels about it. He gets the idea to ask Mr. Zellner to hire Rachel back. Monica points out that at the Christmas party Zellner called Ross, Ron. Ross replies, "I didn't say we were brothers!" Ross goes to talk to Mr. Zellner and convinces him to hire Rachel back. In exchange, Ross says he'll take Zellner's son, whose name also happens to be Ross and is also obsessed with dinosaurs, to say we were brothers!" Ross goes to talk to Mr. Zellner and convinces him to hire Rachel back. In exchange, Ross says he'll take Zellner's son, whose name also happens to be Ross and is also obsessed with dinosaurs, to that sounds like and fixes it. Zellner says he'll hire Rachel back. Back in Rachel and Joey's apartment, Ross walks in and Rachel tells him that Ralph Lauren hired her back. Ross acts as if he is surprised. Rachel says that she didn't take it because when Louis Vuitton heard, they offered her more money, so she's still going to Paris. Ross goes back to Zellner with a rare dinosaur egg in exchange for Ralph Lauren hiring Rachel back. The exchange is made. Rachel accepts this time and when she brings Emma over to Ross' apartment she tells him that she did so. She sounds upset so they talk. She really wanted to go to Paris, she was scared, but the same scared she felt when she moved to New York and when she found out she was pregnant with Emma. Ross understands and he supports her into moving to Paris. They hug, and its obvious he's tor n. Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler decide to go visit the house next door to the one that they're buying just to see what it looks like. While they're there, the real estate agent is there showing it to another person who may make an offer, she goes upstairs to get them. Monica is glad that the house isn't as good as their new home is. The real estate agent comes down and then a loud "OH. MY. GAWD!" is heard. Janice is the person looking at the home. Both Monica and Chandler are unexpectedly surprised. Janice is excited that they could be neighbors and rushes out to go make an offer on the house. Monica and Chandler talk about possibly buying both houses so they wouldn't have to live next door to Janice. They realize that it's not practical and begin to worry. Monica leaves and Chandler stays in the living room of the house and comes on to Janice in order to make her uncomfortable so she won't buy the house. It works and Janice leaves, forgetting her bid on the home. During this, Phoebe finds out that Joey's agent Estelle has passed away. She tells Monica and Chandler not to tell Joey. Joey comes in later, upset with Estelle for not getting him any auditions. Phoebe insists she has a good reason. Phoebe tells Joey not to move, and that she'll be back. She goes outside and calls Joey's cell phone and pretends to be Estelle. Joey fires her. "Rough day for Estelle," Phoebe says when she hangs up the phone. Later on, Joey gets a call from Albert Booker, the man who eats paper, who is also one of Estelle's clients, telling him that Estelle has died. Joey is upset. Then his phone rings. It's Phoebe again pretending to be Estelle. Joey is flipping out, believing that she is calling him from beyond the grave. The episode ends with Joey speaking at Estelle's funeral and booker eating the eulogy.

Episode 1016 - The One Where Rachel Goes To Paris
Air Date: April 29th

Spoiler 1: The scene opens up with Rachel and Joey playing a game deciding if she should go to Paris. The next scene is Rachel's going away party. She says goodbye to everyone except for Ross. Ross gets upset and goes to her apartment. He ends up kissing Rachel and Rachel returns the gesture (this is the last scene of the episode). Monica and Chandler's baby handler goes into labor and they rush to the hospital. Chandler and Joey are in the bedroom and Joey has bubble rap around his head. Chandler keeps hitting him. Ross comes in and does the same. In the same bedroom, Chandler finds fury hand cuffs and thinks they're Monica's. Monica denies it and they turn up being Monica's grandmother's. At the end of the episode, Phoebe helps Joey stuff packing material in his pants and is instructed to kick Joey. She does and Joey falls to the floor and says, "Didn't work."
Spoiler 2: The whole episode is based around Rachel's going away party. She has a special moment (saying goodbye) with everyone except for Ross. Ross flips out and goes to her apartment and asks her why. She ends up being very upset that Ross doesn't know why she didn't say goodbye to him. Rachel tells Ross that it is so hard saying goodbye to him cause of all the history. When she is about to leave, Ross kisses her. It's the last scene of the episode. Ross kisses Rachel and Rachel returns the gesture. It is assumed that she is still leaving. When Chandler finds the handcuffs and confronts Monica about them, she denies it and says they're Rachel's. When saying goodbye to Monica, Rachel says she learned alot from her. Then, they started crying and they had a funny moment when they couldn't understand what was being said cause of the squeaky voices coming from the both of them. The baby handler was in Monica's apartment when she went into labor. She didn't even know it until she said at the dinner table she was having stomach aches every few mintues. Then Monica realizes she is going into labor. Funny moment: The baby handler is explaining that she had the best hamburger and Joey and Phoebe are in the kitchen. Monica realizes she is in labor and is out the door with Chandler when Joey stops Chandler and goes 'hey if you get a minute ask her where she had the hamburger'. Here is the whole scene starting in the kitchen at Monica's apartment. Rachel says she is going to get some rest for the big day. Monica asks her if she is forgeting something. Rachel then says "Yeah, Ross could you send a birthday card to your mom for me?" Ross says yeah. Rachel leaves. The gang discuss the situation and Ross can't believe that he didn't get a goodbye. The next part is in Ross's apartment. He is making out the birthday card and says to himself "I'm not doing this." He gets a knock on the door and it's Rachel. He starts out saying he can't understand why he didn't get a goodbye. Then Rachel explains to him why. He ends up ki ssing her. Then she kisses him back. When Rachel was saying goodbye to Chandler, he says to her that I love you and will miss you and something about him pullin jokes on her all the time. Rachel replies you don't have to say anything and that I love you too. When they hug, he says too tight too tight and makes a fart sound with his mouth. Rachel hits him and hugs him again and he makes the same fart sound again. The goodbye scene with Phoebe is kinda weird. Phoebe gives her a cotton swab of her DNA so when the French perfect the cloning process she can have her own Phoebes. The game Rachel and Joey play is called 'Heads I win Tails you lose'. Joey keeps losing. Later on in the episode, while talking to Ross and Chandler in Monica's apartment, he can't believe that he lost 157 times to Rachel. He says "Heads she wins Tails I lose", he acts like he gets it but then Chandler goes "What" and Joey says "Man, I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning" You don't get to the hear the goodbye with Joey because they're on the balcony but the gang is inside talking about how well Joey is taking it and right when Rachel is coming back inside Joey pretends to jump off the balcony.

Episode 1017, 1018 - The Last One, Parts 1 and 2
Air Date: May 6th

The show opens up with Joey and Phoebe in Monica and Chandler's apartment packing up the couples' belongings for them so they can move to the suburbs. Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel are at Ross's apartment kissing up a storm. While all of this is going on, Monica and Chandler are at the hospital getting ready to adopt a baby. Chandler is carrying around an enormous bouquet of flowers, and frantically going from room to room in search for the correct birth mother. But all he sees and hears are women moaning in various stages of delivery. When one of the women he comes across is at quite a vocal stage in the delivery, an intimidated Chandler gives up his quest and tells the woman "These are for you". The scene then cuts back to Ross and Rachel who are in the lovemaking session afterglow when Rachel realizes she has to leave for her flight to Paris. Ross is visibly heartbroken. Back at Monica and Chandler's apartment, the atmosphere is still upbeat. Joey shows Phoebe a housewarming present he brought for Monica and Chandler - a baby chick and a baby duck. At the hospital emergency room, a joyous Monica and Chandler watch the birth of their son. Then, they get a great surprise when another baby follows... a baby girl. Monica and Chandler have twins! Chandler stares dumbfounded at the birth mother who stammers, "They mentioned two heartbeats but I thought they mean me and the baby." At first, Chandler feels overwhelmed, but his heart melts as he holds his little girl and stares into her eyes. As the couple arrives back at the apartment with the babies, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Phoebe and her newlywed Mike are all waiting. Everyone is blown away when they walk in with not just the one baby but both babies. But the excitement is short lived as Rachel rushes off to make her plane for Paris. The first part of the Finale sees Ross heading out the door in pursuit of Rachel. Part II -- Phoebe drives Ross to the airport in a Taxicab. Meanwhile, Joey is also frantic, for a far different reason. The baby chick and duck he was planning to give to Monica and Chandler are missing. As a crazed Joey searches for them, Ross and Phoebe arrive at JFK Airport to intercept Rachel. But they can't get into the boarding area without tickets. Quickly calculating that the cheapest tickets they can buy are a flight for Ithica, Ross buys the tickets and makes a mad dash into the passenger terminal area. Meanwhile, Rachel realizes she has misplaced her boarding pass. The tension builds as the scene cuts back and forth to Ross racing to reach Rachel in time and Rachel searching desperately for her boarding pass. Finally, a relieved Rachel finds her boarding pass and heads up the walkway. A frantic Ross is still unable to find Rachel, but miles away Joey has some good news; he located the missing chick and duckling after breaking his treasured foosball table and finding them inside. By now, Ross is panicking and he calls Monica to make sure of Rachel's flight plans. He gets a shocking reply. Rachel's plane is not leaving from JFK but from Newark airport -- 30 miles away. Phoebe and Ross race for Newark airport and Phoebe calls Rachel's cell phone and attempts to stall her by saying that she has a psychic feeling that there's a malfunctioning part on the plane. Rachel remains calm but laughingly tells a businessman seated next to her that there is a malfunction on the plane. He panics and starts a stampede that empties the plane. Just as passengers are permitted to reboard, Ross runs up to the gate screaming "Rachel, I Love You! Don't leave me!" But Rachel chides Ross by saying "This is so us. How many times have we done this?" Rachel turns around to board the plane, leaving Ross standing alone and heartbroken once again. Phoebe tries to comfort him but he's inconsolable and returns home alone. Distraught, Ross absent-mindedly punches his answering machine and in a touching moment Rachel's voice is heard and she says, "I love you too, Ross." He also hears her yell at the air stewardess "I want off this plane!!" While the stewardess yells back "It's too late were taking off, Please sit down!" Ross is now in more despair. But suddenly, his door flies open and Rachel is standing there with her arms stretched out. In one of the most touching scenes in Friends history, Ross gets down on one knee and asks, "Will You be my fourth wife?" Rachel stares at him crying him and then says "Yes, and I'll be better than you third wife." Unaware of the reunion, the friends are gathered one last time at Monica and Chandler's apartment. Phoebe, who had been telling the group the sad news of the airport break up, is stunned when Rachel and Ross walk in hand in hand. She quips "Well that was better than my ending." An equally upbeat Joey, who's been told by Chandler to keep the chick and the duck as a symbol of there great friendship, muses that he may get a goose to go along with them. Phoebe and Mike smitten with Chandler and Monica's babies, point to there own future as a family. He suggests to Phoebe "Maybe we can get one of those too." Set in their new lives the gang retreats for one more round at Central Perk, to reminisce, discuss the future, and bask in the wonderful warmth of being friends.
Welcome to Paradise...
Old Creek
Beiträge: 660
Registriert: 31.10.2002, 12:06
Wohnort: Österreich

Beitrag von Old Creek »

Nicci hat geschrieben: weiß eigetnlich jemand etwas über das Joey-Spinn-off, was geplant war, nach dem ende von Friends?
Zu Beginn sollte das Joey-Spinn-Off im September 2004 starten, doch in letzter Zeit machen immer mehr Gerüchte dir Runde, dass es schon kurz nach dem Ende von Friends losgehen soll. Das Finale von Friends wird am 6. Mai ausgestrahlt. Über die Story kann ich euch leider nichts sagen.

Ich hab im Spoilerbereich ein eigenes Topic eröffnet, damit wir nicht durcheinanderkommen und von Spoilerwarnungen überhäuft werden.

Old Creek
Welcome to Paradise...

Beitrag von -Leisha- »


Ich finde auch mittlerweile, daß Ross und Rachel nicht zusammen passen. Sie sind einfach viel zu verschieden. So wie es in der letzten Folge der 9. Staffel ausgegangen ist -Rachel & Joey und Ross & Charlie- sollte es auch bleiben. Süß finde ich die Konstellation Phoebe & Mike. Bin mal gespannt, was sich daraus noch entwickelt in der 10. Staffel. Chandler & Monica sind für mich das Traumpaar in der Serie. Bei den beiden fehlt nur noch der Nachwuchs. Ob Monica in der letzten Staffel doch noch schwanger wird?? Ich würde es den beiden gönnen. Es wäre doch ein tolles Ende..... :)

Beitrag von LoveSupreme »

@nicci: ich hätte das früher auch nie für möglich gehalten... schon alleine nach dem katastrophalen triangle bei dc.. aber ross und rachel sind ja auch nicht mit dawson und joey zu vergleichen. ross und rachel sind sich ja total gleichgültig geworden... aber die werden sich am schluss wohl trotzdem kriegen... wenn joey weggeht fürs spin-off...
JoshDi hat geschrieben:@LoveSupreme

Chandler & Monica sind für mich das Traumpaar in der Serie. Bei den beiden fehlt nur noch der Nachwuchs. Ob Monica in der letzten Staffel doch noch schwanger wird?? Ich würde es den beiden gönnen. Es wäre doch ein tolles Ende..... :)

ja, ein baby! das wäre wirklich schön für die beiden. ich finde chandler ja so putzig, monika nervt zwar manchmal, aber er geht so wunderbar mit ihren macken um... ^_^ die beiden sind wirklich süß. die rachel-baby story hätten sie sich allerdings sparen können... und dann noch unter den umständen.. :roll:

Beitrag von -Leisha- »

LoveSupreme hat geschrieben:ja, ein baby! das wäre wirklich schön für die beiden. ich finde chandler ja so putzig, monika nervt zwar manchmal, aber er geht so wunderbar mit ihren macken um... ^_^ die beiden sind wirklich süß. die rachel-baby story hätten sie sich allerdings sparen können... und dann noch unter den umständen.. :roll:
Ja da hat Du allerdings recht, das Baby von Ross und Rachel hätte nicht sein müssen.....andererseits, irgendwas muss ja passieren ;)

Chandler hat das gut im Griff mit Monica, ja ja. Wobei, manchmal ist er doch ein wenig überfordert. ;) :D Aber das passt schon.

Beitrag von Miss_Aguilera »

Ich liebe diese Serie !!!!! Ist meine absolute Lieblingsserie nach Dawsons Creek.Mein Lieblingspaar sind Ross&Rachel,die gehören zusammen.
Meine Lieblingscharaktere sind alle.Alle haben ihre kleinen Macken,und das ist so geil...Also : Super Serie ! :up: :up:

Beitrag von Yavanna »

Verstehe gar nicht, dass diese Serie kein eigenes Forum bekommt! Werd ich gleich mal in der Kritik anmerken

Beitrag von Stx »

Yavanna hat geschrieben:Verstehe gar nicht, dass diese Serie kein eigenes Forum bekommt! Werd ich gleich mal in der Kritik anmerken
Verstehe ich auch nicht, ich hoffe es gibt bald eins *g*

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