Season 5 - Allgemeine Episodendiskussion

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Season 5 - Allgemeine Episodendiskussion

Beitrag von sweety0186 »

Da ich noch keinen Thread zur 5. Staffel Alias gefunden habe mach ich jetzt mal einen auf...

5.01: Prophet Five - 29.09.1005
In the season premiere episode, after learning that the man she has known as Michael Vaughn is under investigation and suspected of being a double agent, Sydney begins to question whether their business and personal relationship over the years had all been a lie. When she discovers that she's pregnant with Vaughn's baby, she becomes determined to uncover the truth about him. Meanwhile, because of Jack's past betrayal by Irina, he begins to worry that his daughter may suffer the same fate that he did.

This season, new agents will be introduced and a nefarious organization will come to light in Sydney's life as she fights to protect her unborn child -- all the while traveling incognito, outsmarting the bad guys and keeping the world safe.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Art Chudabala as Dr. Parks, Leon Russom as James Lehman, Nico Samano as SWAT team leader, David Marshall Grant as Ivan Curtis, Dominic Comperatore as doctor and David Jean Thomas as butler.

"Prophet Five" was written by Alison Schapker & Monica Breen and directed by Ken Olin.

Bild Bild Bild

5.02: ...1... - 6.10.2005
Sydney teams up with Renée - a fugitive on the CIA's most wanted list -- to track down the murderer of a close friend before the killer can strike again. Meanwhile, Jack enlists a reluctant new agent, Thomas Grace (Balthazar Getty), and Weiss struggles to decide whether or not to accept a promotion that would force him to leave his colleagues.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Elodie Bouchez as RenC)e Rienne.

Guest starring are Kathe Mazur as Doctor Lynn, Kevin Cooney as Ahern, Christian Gill as Lars, Larry Cedar as Heinrich Roemer, David Marshall Grant as Curtis, Marsh Mokhtari as technician no. 2 and Amanda Foreman as Carrie.

"...1..." was written by J.R. Orci and directed by Frederick E.O. Toye.

5.03: The Shed - 13.10.2005
"The Shed" - Sydney is forced to partner on a mission with new APO agent Thomas Grace. They discover that Rachel Gibson -- a spy suspected of being involved in activities against the U.S. -- has something shockingly in common with Sydney. Meanwhile, Dixon must accompany Sloane, who's given a 48-hour pass from prison to acquire a possible cure for his daughter, Nadia.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Michael Vartan as Michael Vaughn, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Amy Acker as Kelly Peyton, Jack Laufer as Alexander Dolzhenko, Alex Demir as guard, Hrach Titizian as lead scientist, Ondrej Habinak as Russian officer, Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Dan Koz as baseball cap and David Pressman as Walsh.

"The Shed" was written by Breen Frazier and directed by Tucker Gates.

5.04: Mockingbird - 20.10.2005
Sydney's life hangs in the balance when Gordon Dean discovers that Rachel -- aka Mockingbird -- is still alive. Meanwhile, Sloane awaits the outcome of his sentencing. Amy Acker (Angel) guest stars.

5.05: Out of the Box -
Sydney and Tom discover that Renie has stolen the cryogenic-type container, and they find themselves under siege by mercenaries who want the container's contents. Meanwhile, Sloane is forced to take matters into his own possibly devious hands to get himself reinstated into APO and to continue his quest to find a cure for daughter Nadia.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Patrick Bauchau as Luc, Jennifer Hetrick as Senator Lewis, Patrick Gorman as flashback Desantis, Sean Smith as storage manager, Ashlyn Sanchez as young Renie, Annie Quinnn as daughter and Joel Bissonnette as Keach.

"Out of the Box" was written by Jesse Alexander and directed by Jay Torres.

5.06: Solo - 10.11.2005
Sydney must guide a nervous and pensive Rachel on her first solo mission. Meanwhile, Sloane must decide whether or not to betray the trust he's recently earned with APO by honoring his agreement with Gordon Dean

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Amy Acker as Kelly Peyton, Purva Bedi as fiancie, Sathya Jesudasson as fiancie's mother, Boyuen as general, Emil Lin as embassy guard no. 1, Vanna Salviati as Armenian woman, Ron Bottitta as Janos Vak, Darcy Shean as sales clerk, Trevor Duke as Eric, Kaye Kittrell as mom, Jordan Claire Green as Nicole and Ian Patrick Williams as dad.

"Solo" was written and directed by Jeffrey Bell.

5.07: Fait Accompli - 17.11.
Sydney and APO attempt to discover whom Gordon Dean is working for and what their end game is. Meanwhile, when the group claiming to have a cure for daughter Nadia continues to play mind games with him, Sloane struggles for control. Mia Maestro and Amy Acker ("Angel") guest star, on "Alias".

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Mia Maestro as Nadia, Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Amy Acker as Kelly Peyton, Keone Young as Professor Choy, Angus Macfadyen as Joseph Ehrmann, Ali Dean as Arab sheik, Lorenzo Caccialanza as chancellor and Carl Gilliard as agent no. 1.

"Fait Accompli" was written by Andi Bushell and directed by Richard Coad

Zuletzt geändert von ladybird am 23.09.2008, 07:57, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.
Grund: Titel geändert
Beiträge: 3503
Registriert: 17.05.2004, 19:42

Beitrag von Reiko-Fan »

OMG...das hört sich ja mal wieder sehr spannend an.
Ich kann mir diese Staffel in den USA anschauen...aber dann ist da die Frage, ob ich dass will. Denn ich kenn bisher nur die ersten beiden Staffeln. :cry:

Kennt jemand vielleicht ne gute Seite, wo man alles nachlesen kann?

ICh find es übrigens gut, dass sie Jen's Schwangerschaft mit eingebaut haben
Julie Gardner: "There's a cost to travelling with the Doctor."
David Tennant: "Oh absolutely. Seventy-three pence."

Beitrag von sweety0186 »

Auf DIESER SEITE sind die Episoden sehr detailiert (auch mit Bildern) beschrieben.

Ihr könnt übrigens alle gerne Spoiler die ihr findet posten, ich werde den ersten Post immer wieder aktualisieren, damit alle Informationen leichter zu finden sind.

Alias Season 5 - Spoiler

Beitrag von Joey_23 »

ähm, schaut sich von euch jem die neue staffel an?

was sagt ihr dazu das Michael gleich in der ersten folge stirbt?


weiß von euch wer, ob er tatsächlich aus der serie ausgestiegen ist od ev wieder in dieser staffel zurück kommt ["Tot" bei Alias bedeutet ja nicht immer gleich wirklich "tot"]

argggggggggg, dann brauch i ma die serie ja eh gleich nimma anschaun...
Beiträge: 18421
Registriert: 08.03.2000, 20:46
Geschlecht: männlich
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Philipp »

Augen auf beim Threaderstellen! ;) Zusammengeführt.
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Re: Alias Season 5 - Spoiler

Beitrag von ladybird »

Joey_23 hat geschrieben:weiß von euch wer, ob er tatsächlich aus der serie ausgestiegen ist od ev wieder in dieser staffel zurück kommt ["Tot" bei Alias bedeutet ja nicht immer gleich wirklich "tot"]
Zur Zeit ist noch unsicher, ob Michael Vartan für ein paar Folgen wiederkehrt. Sie scheinen jedenfalls wieder zu verhandeln. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass es klappt.
It sure looked like Michael Vartan's character was killed in "Alias" shocking season opener. But since when does anyone on this show actually die? "If things go according to plan, he'll be back this season," reveals exec producer Jeff Pinkner. "We're writing an episode right now that Vaughn is in, and we have more planned." Vaughn could return as soon as December, before the ABC spy series goes on hiatus for Jennifer Garner's maternity leave. Vartan's manager confirms that producers have asked the actor to return for up to three episodes, though so far no deal has been signed. Or has it?

Quelle: TV Guide Online

Beitrag von *magu* »

wie Vaughn ist tot? Wer hat ihn denn "getötet"?
Da könnt ihr mir erzählen , was ihr wollt, NIEMAND stirbt bei ALIAS ^^

ICh hab die 4te Staffel nciht gesehen, weiss aber so ca was passiert.. Vaughn sagt doch am Ende iwas vonwegen "mein Name ist nciht Michael Vaughn". Wie haben die das aufgeklärt? Wurde das überhaupt aufgeklärt?
Erzähl mal einer, der die ersten Folgen schon gesehen hat, was so passiert
danke :D
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Alles ganz genau zu erklären, würde zu lange dauern. :D Deshalb nur ganz kurz:
Vaughn wird von Gordon Dean - ein neuer Bösewicht, der zum ersten Mal in der 1. Folge der 5. Staffel auftritt - regelrecht hingerichtet. :( Das ganze passiert - bis auf die zehntausend Schüsse, die auf Vaughn eintreffen - leider sehr unspektakulär. Er stirbt also nicht den Heldentod, sondern gerät einfach in einen Hinterhalt. Merkwürdigerweise überlebt er aber den Schusswechsel :wtf: und wird noch ins Krankenhaus gebracht. Kurz nach der OP stirbt er aber.
Bei ABC gibt es übrigens immer sehr gute Zusammenfassungen der Episoden.
Season 5: Episode 1- "Prophet Five"
Sydney regains consciousness after the car crash and instinctively suspects the motives of the paramedics. When a man tries to inject her with a tranquilizer, she swipes his hand away and eludes the other "medics." Hiding in a cornfield, she sees Vaughn airlifted by an unmarked helicopter.

Later, as doctors evaluate Syd, she meets Gordon Dean from the Office of Special Investigations, who grills her about Vaughn's whereabouts and activities. Jack explains that Vaughn is a suspected double agent, and the car crash was actually an extraction.

A bloodied Vaughn, referred to as Mr. Michaux, is given a strip of paper with coded numbers. When Vaughn denies knowing anything about the cryptic sheet, a man named Curtis threatens to cut "the girl's finger off." Vaughn agrees to cooperate and asks for a pencil.

Before Vaughn can write, however, he asks to have his dislocated shoulder popped into place. When Curtis accommodates him, he punches Curtis and makes his escape. He contacts Sydney and asks her to trust him -- and to bring his father's watch when they rendezvous.

At APO Dixon tells a troubled Syd to give Vaughn the benefit of the doubt - as Dixon did for her years ago when he first realized that they worked for SD-6. Meanwhile, Gordon Dean instructs Marshall to pull Vaughn's files.

When Sydney arrives in Rome, Vaughn explains that his real name is Andre Michaux and his father was a mathematician involved with a top-secret project called "Prophet Five." He gleaned this info seven years ago from a woman named Renee Rienne and has been working with her since.

They meet James Lehman, a friend of Vaughn's father. Lehman explains that brilliant scientists and linguists were recruited for Prophet Five in the 70's and were asked to break the code of a 500 year-old document on advanced genetics. After this group succeeded, its members were systematically murdered. As precaution, Vaughn's father changed his identity, as did Lehman. He warns that the murderers are relentless. He tells them the location of a book containing more Prophet Five intel.

In Cape Town, South Africa, Sydney and Vaughn, posing as a French couple attending a party at a mansion, try unsuccessfully to steal the book from the home's vault. As they run towards a cliff, Sydney receives a phone call from her doctor, who tells her that she's pregnant. Sydney shares the good news with Vaughn, who has a muted reaction. They jump.

Meanwhile, Sloane combs through medical journals in jail, desperately trying to find a cure for Nadia, who is still in a coma after being subjected to Rambaldi's device. He denies knowing anything about Vaughn's treachery to Jack, but says that Renee Rienne, an ex-CIA agent, could be a possible lead.

As Sydney and Vaughn sit in a car waiting for Lehman, they talk about her pregnancy. Vaughn says his initial hesitation was because of the complicated world they live in, but he can't wait to be a father. Seeing Lehman in the distance, Vaughn jumps out. Suddenly another car drives by -- Gordon Dean steps out with Curtis and both fire at Lehman and Vaughn. They drop in a hail of bullets.

Waiting in the ICU, Syd tells Jack she's going to stand by Vaughn. As Jack reprimands her, Sydney reveals her pregnancy. Jack softens. Later, he goes to APO and instructs the team to research Prophet Five and retrieve the records in Cape Town.

Later, as Syd watches over Vaughn, he flat-lines. Syd is frantic as the doctors work on him to no avail. He slips away.

After Vaughn's funeral, Syd travels to shady London bar, where she speaks to the bartender. After an initial denial, the bartender admits she's Renee Rienne.

Quelle: ABC

Beitrag von *magu* »

man das gefällt mir alles nicht.
Da verändert sich viel zu viel. Alle sterben oder gehen weg, ausserdem kommen meiner Meinung nach viel zu viele neue Charaktere dazu.
Ich hab son bisschen das Gefühl, die Serie geht langsam den Bach runter.

Wo ist eigentlich Irina nach der letzten Folge der 4ten Staffel hin?
Und Vaughn kann doch nciht sterben.
Hat einer eine Ahnung, wieso der ausgestiegen ist? Also Michael Vertan?

ich fand ALIAS war die ersten beiden Staffeln so gut und jetzt...
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Wohin Irina gegeangen ist, weiß ich nicht. Sie wird wohl wieder untergetaucht sein. Am Ende der 4. Staffel ist sie jedenfalls einfach verschwunden, nachdem sie sich noch von Syd verabschiedet hat.

Wieso Michael Vartan ausgestiegen/ herausgeschrieben wurde, weiß man nicht genau. Es gibt unterschiedliche Meinungen und es gibt bisher leider kein offizielles Statement. Allerdings gibt es wieder Hoffnung, es gibt neue Gerüchte, dass er wieder zurück am Set sein soll. Für wie lange ist allerdings noch nicht geklärt.
Question: OK, I admit, I was one of those people beating up on you, sending you a harsh e-mail after the season premiere of Alias. However, you have fully redeemed yourself with your latest tidbit about the Michael Vartan saga! Don't stop there, though — any news on the negotiations to bring him back to the show? — Andrea

Ausiello: Were you the one who banished me to a life of eternal damnation? All my hate mail tends to blur together. Anyway, yes, there is a major — major — development on the Vartan/Vaughn front: The deal officially closed late last week and Vartan returned to work on the Alias set yesterday. Please don't ask me who he's playing or how long his return engagement will last, because that I can't tell you. (Mostly 'cause, well, I don't know.)
Quelle: TV Guide
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Und wieder gibt es etwas Neues von Michael Vartan. Er ist definitiv ans Set zurückgekehrt. Allerdings für nur eine Episode, da er danach einen Film in Australien dreht.

Zusätzlich wurde bestätigt, dass es nicht seine eigene Entscheidung war, ALIAS zu verlassen! Ich dachte, das bisher immer. Da frage ich mich doch, wie es die Produzenten zulassen konnten, den männlichen Hauptdarsteller herauszuschmeißen. Unglaublich!
I have spoken with my source and they have confirmed that Michael is on the set and will be shooting one episode. They also confirmed that this was a last minute decision, and shooting had to be rescheduled due to Michael's schedule, and as they had told me earlier, it was not TPTB original decision to have MV appear.

They have also confirmed that Michael, after considering many options which came his way after shooting the first episode of Alias this season, has decided to sign on for an action/adventure movie which will be shooting in Australia. According to my source it will be taking him out of the country for the next several months, so as far as Alias goes, this episode seems to be it.

As far as the campaign is concerned, all is going forward. The bottom line is, it was not Mr. Vartan's decision to end his contract with Alias and one appearance does not make up for the lack of regard shown to both him and the fans by Disney, ABC, Touchstone and Bad Robot.

Quelle: MV Campaign
Wenn er zurückkommt, werden es wahrscheinlich Rückblenden sein, in denen er zu sehen ist. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Vaughn für nur einen Episode von den Toten auferstehen wird.
If you work hard, good things will happen.

Beitrag von Joey_23 »

also, mir ist das ganze auch unbegreiflich...

ich meine, ich will alias jetzt nicht schlecht machen, aber ich persönlich hab mir die serie nur wegen syd und michael angesehen... :schaem:
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Ich finde es auch unglaublich schade, dass sie ihn gehen lassen haben. Da kann die Schwangerschaft von Syd auch nicht groß trösten.

Irgendwie habe ich zur Zeit eh das Gefühl, dass sie sich ganz stark auf die ganzen neuen Charaktere stützen. Wahrscheinlich wird sich dann auch bald etwas zwischen den beiden neuen Agenten anbahnen. :roll: Die recyceln ihre eigenen Geschichten. angry:

ALIAS ist einfach nicht mehr dasselbe. :(
If you work hard, good things will happen.

Beitrag von *magu* »

wenn sich da jetzt was anbahnen wird zwischen Syd und dem Neuen, dann guck ich mir das nichtmehr an.
Ich kann das mit MV überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen...

Wie die das ganze "Geheimnis" um Vaughn aufgelöst haben finde ich ganz schön arm...

die sollen mal lieber wieder einige der "Alten" zurückholen.
wie Sark, Will, meinetwegen sogar die Ex von Vaughn, deren name mir leider entfallen ist.

Aber sowas... :down:
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

*magu* hat geschrieben:wenn sich da jetzt was anbahnen wird zwischen Syd und dem Neuen, dann guck ich mir das nichtmehr an.
Ich glaube nicht, dass sich etwas sich Syd und Thomas Grace anbahnen wird, sondern eher zwischen ihm und Rachel Gibson - also zwischen den beiden Neuen.

Es gibt mal wieder Neues von Michael Vartan. :)
I found out earlier that Alias was filming on the Santa Monica Pier and decided to check it out with a friend. As we were waiting, there we noticed that they were setting up to film in the exact same spot as the pier scene from "A Broken Heart." No one seemed to know who was in the scene so we planted ourselves on a closeby bench and waited. And to my complete shock, the first Alias star to walk by me was none other than MICHAEL VARTAN! Jennifer Garner followed and they began to shoot the scene. At first, I thought maybe Vaughn was returning alive and well, but then my friend and I noticed that they were dressed in the exact same outfits as they were in "A Broken Heart." So we're thinking it's maybe a dream sequence, though no one would confirm this.

Jen threw something in the middle of the scene, but I couldn't tell if it was a pager or not. At the end of the scene, though, Michael touched Jen's face and then walked away. She screamed his name, but he kept walking. And Jen was very obviously pregnant, even her photo double was wearing a bump so I don't think they were trying to flashback and hide her pregnancy. And when Michael was done (and I think Jen was done too, but I'm not sure), Ron Rifkin showed up, so he had something on the pier as well. Anyway, just thought I'd share the joy with everyone that, even if it is in a dream, Michael Vartan will appear in at least one more episode this season!

Quelle: Alias Media
und hier ein neues Bild vom Dreh:
If you work hard, good things will happen.
Beiträge: 55433
Registriert: 11.04.2004, 18:56
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von Catherine »

ladybird hat geschrieben:und hier ein neues Bild vom Dreh:
[url= ... vartan.jpg]Bild anzeigen[/URL]
Hier gibt es noch mehr Bilder aus der Folge: KLICK

Letztens haben sie auch bei RTL Ausschnitte von hinter den Kulissen dieser Folge gezeigt.
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Catherine hat geschrieben:Letztens haben sie auch bei RTL Ausschnitte von hinter den Kulissen dieser Folge gezeigt.
Das habe ich leider verpasst. :(
Aber unter diesem Link kann man sich ein Video von den Dreharbeiten anschauen (inkl. des Kusses zwischen Syd und Vaughn).

Die offiziellen Beschreibungen für Folge 6 und 7 sind inzwischen auch online:
ALIAS -- "SOLO" - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) -- Sydney must guide a nervous and pensive Rachel on her first solo mission. Meanwhile, Sloane must decide whether or not to betray the trust he's recently earned with APO by honoring his agreement with Gordon Dean, on "Alias," THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Amy Acker as Kelly Peyton, Purva Bedi as fiancie, Sathya Jesudasson as fiancie's mother, Boyuen as general, Emil Lin as embassy guard no. 1, Vanna Salviati as Armenian woman, Ron Bottitta as Janos Vak, Darcy Shean as sales clerk, Trevor Duke as Eric, Kaye Kittrell as mom, Jordan Claire Green as Nicole and Ian Patrick Williams as dad.

"Solo" was written and directed by Jeffrey Bell.

ALIAS - "FAIT ACCOMPLI" - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) -- Sydney and APO attempt to discover whom Gordon Dean is working for and what their end game is. Meanwhile, when the group claiming to have a cure for daughter Nadia continues to play mind games with him, Sloane struggles for control. Mia Maestro and Amy Acker ("Angel") guest star, on "Alias," THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

"Alias" stars Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow, Victor Garber as Jack Bristow, Ron Rifkin as Arvin Sloane, Carl Lumbly as Marcus Dixon, Kevin Weisman as Marshall Flinkman, Balthazar Getty as Thomas Grace, Rachel Nichols as Rachel Gibson and Ilodie Bouchez as Renie Rienne.

Guest starring are Mia Maestro as Nadia, Tyrees Allen as Gordon Dean, Amy Acker as Kelly Peyton, Keone Young as Professor Choy, Angus Macfadyen as Joseph Ehrmann, Ali Dean as Arab sheik, Lorenzo Caccialanza as chancellor and Carl Gilliard as agent no. 1.

"Fait Accompli" was written by Andi Bushell and directed by Richard Coad

In Folge 7 "Fait Accompli" werden also sowohl Michael Vartan als auch Mia Maestro wieder aufteten! Endlich ein paar Lichtblicke. :)
If you work hard, good things will happen.

Beitrag von Joey16 »

Einen Link zum Promo-Video könnt ihr hier sehen:
Ich hoffe der Link funktioniert auch!

Aber versteh ich das richtig? Sagt Jack zu Sydney, dass Vaughn ein Doppelagent war, genau wie sie? Ich versteh das nicht so ganz: Also ist Vaughn böde und spielt den Guten oder wie oder was...schrecklich diese Verwirrtheit :D

Erklärt mir das mal bitte jemand! :wtf:
Beiträge: 5557
Registriert: 23.08.2005, 13:08
Geschlecht: weiblich

Beitrag von ladybird »

Joey16 hat geschrieben:Aber versteh ich das richtig? Sagt Jack zu Sydney, dass Vaughn ein Doppelagent war, genau wie sie? Ich versteh das nicht so ganz: Also ist Vaughn böde und spielt den Guten oder wie oder was...schrecklich diese Verwirrtheit :D
Keine Sorge! Vaughn gehört(e) zu den Guten.

Er hat allerdings sieben Jahre mit Renee Rienne zusammengearbeitet; einer Frau, die dringend vom CIA gesucht wird. Es geht hierbei um das "Prophet Five"-Projekt an dem Vaughns Vater mitgearbeitet hat. Der Auftrag war, einen 500 Jahre alten Code zu knacken. Nachdem die Prophet-Five-Gruppe erfolgreich war, wurden deren Mitglieder nacheinander getötet. Vaughns Vater hat daraufhin seinen Namen und den Namen seiner Familie geändert, um sie zu schützen. Vaughn heißt deshalb in Wirklichkeit Andre Michaux.
Mit Renee hat er zusammengearbeitet, um weitere Infos über dieses geheime Projekt zu bekommen. Wahrscheinlich ist er deshalb auch ursprünglich der CIA beigetreten. Trotzdem hatte er nie wirklich mit anderen Organisationen gegen die CIA gearbeitet. Dafür ist Sloane ja zuständig. :)
If you work hard, good things will happen.

Beitrag von Joey16 »

Oh super, danke ladybird! Ich hatte wirklich schon Angst, dass er im Endeffekt noch mit Sloane unter einer Decke steckt oder irgendeiner "bösen" Organisation angehört, also gegen die CIA arbeitet.
Ist trotzdem sehr schade, dass sie ihn haben sterben lassen! Warum nur? Er war doch neben Sydney der Hauptdarsteller und hat die Einschaltquoten mit Sicherheit gehörig mit in die Höhe getrieben...meint ihr er wird irgendwann noch einmal ganz zur Serie zurückkehren (vorgetäuschter Tod, da seine Identität aufgeflogen war?)?

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